DrexHD / Vanish

Fabric vanish mod to completely hide from other players using /vanish
MIT License
19 stars 9 forks source link

Make vanished player don't take slots on the playerlist #9

Closed Sebas-Re closed 1 year ago

Sebas-Re commented 1 year ago

Hi again!

Not sure if I explained myself correctly in the title (or if what I'm suggesting is even possible), but I think it would be a good addition if there was a way (perhaps a config setting) to make vanished players not count on the maxPlayer server setting.

That way, people don't realise there's someone vanished when the server shows (for example) 11/12 players connected but they still can't join due to the server being full

Sebas-Re commented 1 year ago

Thank you from the AQM Team!