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Develop protocol guide for staff to take graduate courses #45

Closed ran-codes closed 8 months ago

ran-codes commented 8 months ago

Several challenges that there are not good resources for:

her43 commented 8 months ago
  • Registration status for graduate courses

    • I think you have to go through the graduate application process (a lot of work 😢)

This is the main hurdle for me considering taking any courses from Drexel.

I've thought (several times) that it would be great to take a course or two, just in areas I might have liked to learn that I didn't get to when I was doing my master's, or since graduating have decided would be good areas to broaden my education in (more coding or data management, for example).

But from the language I've seen online explaining this whole tuition remission thing, it seems one has to actually apply for and be accepted to a specific degree program in order to take any courses. I have no interest in earning another degree at this time. And I don't want to have to apply all over again when I was a student at Drexel just a few years ago. I just want to be allowed to take 1 class.

  • I don't think tuition admission covers graduate classes.

IDK whether this is true or not but I really hope not. What's the point in offering this if it doesn't cover graduate level courses and/or degrees? Is it just so someone can let their kid go to college for free? What about those who are hired who have a bachelor's but wanted to pursue a master's or above? You'd think this is the perfect scenario: the employer (who is a university!) supporting the growth and education of the employee.

ran-codes commented 8 months ago

thanks for sharing your experience @her43!

@jrjordanrh1992 i remember you took Brisa's longitudinal/multi-level analysis class (that's where we first met). Did you have to register through a graduate regisistrationa nd did the tuition remission cover that graduate course?