how to best package and deliver the code that does the main Dreybit allocation method?
There are several architectural choices with pros and cons:
Dreybit allocation could be a Clarity smart contract - this may arise issues of gas fees and scale
R package - This would require Drey Actuaries to also run R or R Studio
WASM binary - preferred route - We can make the WASM binary/run time deterministic by removing floating point calcs, etc, as is well documented on internet. Requires selecting WASM runtime and packaging that into installer.
Rust written targeted OS package - A binary targeted for Linux, Mac or Windows
This investigation extends to all major software components.
On a related note, as described in the Gitbook document, our vision for ultimate transparency is to publish the Dreybit allocation method / model into the bitcoin blockchain. WASM bytecode would work well here?
how to best package and deliver the code that does the main Dreybit allocation method?
There are several architectural choices with pros and cons:
This investigation extends to all major software components.
On a related note, as described in the Gitbook document, our vision for ultimate transparency is to publish the Dreybit allocation method / model into the bitcoin blockchain. WASM bytecode would work well here?