DreymaR / BigBagKbdTrixXKB

"DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks" for *nix with XKB
MIT License
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XF86ScrollRight causes X11 to crash #11

Open GlenHertz opened 4 years ago

GlenHertz commented 4 years ago

Extended has change my typing life and now I'm no longer angry at laptop keyboards -- thanks. I am trying to setup the Extended Extreme mapping on a Linux Mint 18.04 system (based on Ubuntu 18.04) but it crashes with the following error in ~/.xsession-errors

Internal error:   Could not resolve keysym XF86ScrollRight
Error:            Button must specify default or be in the range 1..5
                  Illegal button value 6 ignored
Error:            Illegal action definition for <AD02>
                  Action for group 1/level 6 ignored
Error:            Button must specify default or be in the range 1..5
                  Illegal button value 7 ignored
Error:            Illegal action definition for <AC02>
                  Action for group 1/level 6 ignored
Internal error:   Could not resolve keysym XF86ScrollRight
Error:            Button must specify default or be in the range 1..5
                  Illegal button value 6 ignored
Error:            Illegal action definition for <AD02>
                  Action for group 1/level 6 ignored
Error:            Button must specify default or be in the range 1..5
                  Illegal button value 7 ignored
Error:            Illegal action definition for <AC02>
                  Action for group 1/level 6 ignored

To reproduce I installed the config from doing:

git clone https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB.git 
cd !$
sudo ./install-dreymar-xmod.sh -o -x 4n us us

and I can select the Layout to Colemak in the Keyboard Preferences GUI. That works well but I want to go full blissful with Extended Extreme so I enabled the option (not knowing what to do):

Miscellaneous compatibility optoins >> Enable level5 Extend mappings (home position arrows etc)

But then my x-session immediately crashed. I took quite a while to figure out how to get X-Windows back, so here's how for the next person that runs into this:

gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-keyboard-xkb.kbd options '[]'

I'm not sure if I first have to enable other options in the keyboard preferences (like Level 5 modifier settings). Also, I don't know if I would use scroll right and left (my mouse scroll button in xev is attached to button 4 and 5 for up and down.

Please let me know if you know of a fix for this. Thanks.


DreymaR commented 4 years ago

Firstly, thanks for the praise, much appreciated! But secondly, oh dear. Seems that the OS has decided to take outright affront to the ScrollRight key now. It used to merely be poorly implemented.

It's in this part of the symbols/extend file:

key <AD02> { symbols[Group1]=[ NoSymbol , NoSymbol , NoSymbol , NoSymbol ,
                   XF86ScrollUp         , XF86ScrollRight       , // ScrollUp(††)
                   Up                   , KP_Up                ], //  ↑
                   PtrBtn(button=4)     , PtrBtn(button=6)      , // PtrWhBtUp/Ri
                   NoAction()           , NoAction()           ]
               };  // Cmk W

My suggestion would be to just replace XF86ScrollRight with the one I used on the unshifted key: XF86ScrollUp, and the action PtrBtn(button=4) instead of button 6. On key AC02 I have a button7 that's also hated upon now so replace that one too. That should skirt the problem for you.

I'll probably remove those too in the next update then. Thanks for informing me!