DrgnFireYellow / zlugin

A lightweight zsh plugin manager
Apache License 2.0
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Oh My ZSH Support #3

Open DrgnFireYellow opened 1 year ago

DrgnFireYellow commented 1 year ago

I believe that a good Quality of Life improvement to zlugin would be to allow the user to use oh my zsh underneath zlugin. The command used for this would be zlugin_omz.

mattmc3 commented 3 months ago

If you're willing to include some arcane black magic, you can support Oh My Zsh by using split/join syntax and then passing the repo as ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/path/to/plugin/dir. For example:

$ # Here's how split/join would work to pull out the user/repo part:
$ plugin="ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/extract"
$ repo="${(@j:/:)${(@s:/:)plugin}[1,2]}"
$ echo $repo

So with just a bit of that magic, and with a couple extra flourishes to support updating plugins and also fixing a bug that causes double loading plugins, your micro-plugin manager becomes:

function zlugin_reload() {
    # Initializes downloaded plugins
    local -a inits=(${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zlugin/$1/*.{plugin.zsh,zsh-theme,zsh,sh}(N))
    (( $#inits )) && source $inits[1]

function zlugin() {
    # Downloads a plugin and reloads
    # Syntax: zlugin [string: github repository of a plugin]
    local repo="${(@j:/:)${(@s:/:)1}[1,2]}"
    [[ -d ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zlugin/$repo ]] ||
      git clone "https://github.com/$repo.git" ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zlugin/$repo &>> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/zlugin.log
    zlugin_reload $1

function update_zlugin() {
    # Updates to the latest version of zlugin
    # NOTE: The update will not take effect until you restart your shell
    echo "Updating repos"
    local repo; for repo in ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zlugin/*(/); echo "Updating $repo" && git -C $repo pull
    echo "Updating zlugin"
    curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DrgnFireYellow/zlugin/main/zlugin.zsh > ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zlugin/zlugin.zsh
    echo "Update complete!"

I tested with this .zshrc, and it's pretty solid:

# sub-plugins supported
zlugin belak/zsh-utils/history
zlugin belak/zsh-utils/completion
zlugin belak/zsh-utils/utility
zlugin ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/extract
zlugin ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/magic-enter

# *.sh bash plugins supported
zlugin rupa/z

# zsh-themes supported
zlugin dracula/zsh
# zlugin sindresorhus/pure

# double-load bug is fixed
zlugin zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
zlugin zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
zlugin zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search

I went on this journey once and it was a ton of fun. Nice project.