DriHut / ReFramed

A Framed Block fabric port based on the Template 2 mod
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Some Ideas #16

Open HedgehogFriend opened 1 month ago

HedgehogFriend commented 1 month ago

Hey its me HedgFriend, thanks for creating this mod. I like to use it and also would like to keep using it, thats why I would even try, if you leave this mod on the current versions, that I update this mod to a newer version...

But my reason to open this is that I found something pretty funny, but I don't know if you already know that. Thats why I wanted to point it out to let you think about and maybe want to do something with it.

Pathfinding System Of Entitys

As we know is the pathfinding system of entitys in Minecraft depended of the blocks. If a Zombie wants to attack you, he needs to find a way (path) to get to you. In this example, there is a Zombie and a Villager. The Zombie wants to attack the villager, but as long as there is a block, he doesn't care about attacking.

2024-07-26_13 10 13 In this screenshot I used normal blocks to block the pathfinding of the entitys.

2024-07-26_13 10 36 In this screenshot I used the full framed blocks to block the pathfinding.

2024-07-26_13 12 32 And here I use a normal wooden slab from minecraft.

2024-07-26_13 12 07 But if I use another framed block, entitys don't see the block and try to walk through it. This issue made me use it for villagers resetting, cause I could just put framed blocks around and they always want to walk through these instead of walking in the way of the lectern.

2024-07-26_13 47 05 But at the same time, it also made problems, because in the following screenshot I have an automatic villager breeding farm. In this case the villagers pathfinding system wants through the walls and its extremely annoying to get them in a boat, thats why I needed to build around and use redstone: 2024-07-26_13 49 51

I think its a nice feature for some moments, but in many cases, it just uses processor resources for nothing.

Please corner framed layer block

A second thing that I would be happy about is an update of the framed layer blocks. There is a little thing thats probably only my problem, but rain goes through the layer blocks and I always get wet. 2024-07-26_13 33 31

And also I would love to have a corner layer. I know that the layers are staccable, but if the same concept of making it bigger is applied to the corner block, I think it would be nice. 2024-07-26_13 39 19

It still has light?

So I just found out that if you place a frame block, than use a light emitting block, like the sea lantern, after that remove the block with the hammer but than use another block that does not has any light, you can create bright blocks. Please leave that as a feature. 2024-07-26_14 35 08

Thank you for reading this and have a nice day. Thanks for creating this mod <3

DriHut commented 1 month ago

Hello @HedgehogFriend happy that you enjoy the mod and more than that use it in your world. It always makes us dev proud of our work.

To answer all your points:

I hope this answers all your questions and satisfies your requests ^^. And, If you have some more ideas hit me up I really enjoy seeing what can be done with this mod.