Introduced in c386c3c6b655e65b24196f19fe48d36643f730bd (though commented out.) When changing areas, prepare_frame() should be called, destroying the frame texture and creating a new texture. However, somehow if we destroy the texture here and then create a new texture for the frame, it is subsequently found invalid by SDL_SetRenderTarget() in build_frame(). This was solved temporarily by commenting out lines 128 and 129 in, thus creating a new texture over the same variable without destroying the existing texture, which could result in memory leaks.(?) Very strange. Maybe I'm missing something important about using SDL2.
This was somehow fixed as mysteriously as it appeared when rendering operations were moved into FrameManager in 34ca806e624e245d89a1d6f3835e3d7f9551f04c.
Introduced in c386c3c6b655e65b24196f19fe48d36643f730bd (though commented out.) When changing areas, prepare_frame() should be called, destroying the frame texture and creating a new texture. However, somehow if we destroy the texture here and then create a new texture for the frame, it is subsequently found invalid by SDL_SetRenderTarget() in build_frame(). This was solved temporarily by commenting out lines 128 and 129 in, thus creating a new texture over the same variable without destroying the existing texture, which could result in memory leaks.(?) Very strange. Maybe I'm missing something important about using SDL2.