Drillster / drone-email

Drone plugin for sending email notifications
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 43 forks source link

Body template provided by external links cannot be used #43

Closed BigeYoung closed 3 years ago

BigeYoung commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in DOCS.md#custom-templates, I tried:

    image: drillster/drone-email
    from: noreply@github.com
    host: smtp.mailgun.org
    username: octocat
    password: 12345
    subject: >
      [{{ build.status }}]
      {{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}
      ({{ build.branch }} - {{ truncate build.commit 8 }})
    body: >

I did receive this email. There is only one line of URL link in the body. I think here should be the content?

BigeYoung commented 3 years ago

I found a solution, just delete one character >.