Drillster / drone-email

Drone plugin for sending email notifications
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 43 forks source link

Dockerfile arm binary drone-email error #50

Closed igal-SX closed 2 years ago

igal-SX commented 2 years ago

Hi I need the email notification for arm servers.

I have built the correct docker with build and the dockerfile: Dockerfile.armhf

but when I run the container I got the error:

standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error

when I ran: docker run -it ... I got:

/ # /bin/drone-email 
/bin/drone-email: line 1: syntax error: unexpected ")"

I have tried to change the Golang version, but with no luck

can you help how can I have it supported arm/v7 and v8?

igal-SX commented 2 years ago


I have managed to compile it for arm with small change on the

FROM golang:1.14-alpine as builder


FROM golang:1.1**5**-alpine as builder

and the build command:

docker buildx build --file Dockerfile.armhf --platform linux/arm64/v7,linux/arm64 -t drone-email:latest . --push

mjwwit commented 2 years ago

That's odd, but if the 1.15 base image solves this problem that would make a nice PR :smiley:

mjwwit commented 2 years ago

Fixed by your own PR, thanks!