Open otaking71 opened 5 years ago
root@PartedMagic:~# sedutil-cli --query /dev/sda
/dev/sda ATA Crucial_CT512M550SSD3 MU02 15030E6B70E6 TPer function (0x0001) ACKNAK = N, ASYNC = N. BufferManagement = N, comIDManagement = N, Streaming = Y, SYNC = Y Locking function (0x0002) Locked = Y, LockingEnabled = Y, LockingSupported = Y, MBRDone = N, MBREnabled = N, MediaEncrypt = Y Geometry function (0x0003) Align = Y, Alignment Granularity = 8 (4096), Logical Block size = 512, Lowest Aligned LBA = 0 SingleUser function (0x0201) ALL = Y, ANY = N, Policy = N, Locking Objects = 9 DataStore function (0x0202) Max Tables = 9, Max Size Tables = 94371840, Table size alignment = 1 OPAL 2.0 function (0x0203) Base comID = 0x1000, Initial PIN = 0x0, Reverted PIN = 0x0, comIDs = 1 Locking Admins = 4, Locking Users = 9, Range Crossing = N
TPer Properties: MaxComPacketSize = 131072 MaxResponseComPacketSize = 131072 MaxPacketSize = 128512 MaxIndTokenSize = 123904 MaxPackets = 1 MaxSubpackets = 1 MaxMethods = 1 MaxSessions = 1 MaxAuthentications = 14 MaxTransactionLimit = 1 DefSessionTimeout = 4294967295
Host Properties: MaxComPacketSize = 2048 MaxResponseComPacketSize = 2048 MaxPacketSize = 2028 MaxIndTokenSize = 1992 MaxPackets = 1 MaxSubpackets = 1 MaxMethods = 1
That's an old version of SEDutil 1.12. Have you tried an updated rescue image 1.15?
i've tried 1.15.1 from windows to the same results.
Is it possible that this drive was ATA locked, rather than TCG OPAL locked? is my laptop and ssd i installed together a few years ago. I decided to upgrade to a 1tb samsung 860 evo and gave samsungs utility a whirl. Upon completion..neither copy booted and have been trying to deal with it since.
I have a m550 that was cloned and started behaving quite oddly. I can't seem to reset the drive no matter what i've tried.
I've attached a log. root@PartedMagic:~# sedutil-cli -vvvvv --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID 54BA1B2458575F70E100000089C981F0 /dev/sda