Drive-Trust-Alliance / sedutil

DTA sedutil Self encrypting drive software
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linuxpba disk not visible #378

Open frustr8ed opened 2 years ago

frustr8ed commented 2 years ago

Hi all, it's great to see the people previously forking now contributing to this important project. I've gone through the wiki process to encrypt a Kingston M.2 NVMe SSD. At first it wouldn't allow me to take control using sedutil-cli --initialsetup , but after doing a PSID revert I was able to go through the process using the rescue image. The problem I now have is that the opal drive is not seen by the UEFI/BIOS at all. I can quite happily boot using the rescue disk. Doing that and running fdisk -l produces the following:

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT

Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 1953525168 sectors, 3597M
Logical sector size: 512
Disk identifier (GUID): 873c2ada-2e46-4ad8-ba51-2b54c9d34470
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 65502

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size Name
     1            2048           65502 30.9M EFI system partition

Running sedutil-cli --query /dev/nvme0 yields:

/dev/nvme0 NVMe KINGSTON SKC2500M81000G                  S7780101 50026B7684D34C15    
TPer function (0x0001)
    ACKNAK = N, ASYNC = N. BufferManagement = N, comIDManagement  = N, Streaming = Y, SYNC = Y
Locking function (0x0002)
    Locked = Y, LockingEnabled = Y, LockingSupported = Y, MBRDone = N, MBREnabled = Y, MediaEncrypt = Y
Geometry function (0x0003)
    Align = Y, Alignment Granularity = 1 (512), Logical Block size = 512, Lowest Aligned LBA = 0
SingleUser function (0x0201)
    ALL = N, ANY = N, Policy = Y, Locking Objects = 9
DataStore function (0x0202)
    Max Tables = 10, Max Size Tables = 10485760, Table size alignment = 1
OPAL 2.0 function (0x0203)
    Base comID = 0x0888, Initial PIN = 0x00, Reverted PIN = 0x00, comIDs = 1
    Locking Admins = 4, Locking Users = 9, Range Crossing = N
**** 1 **** Unknown function codes IGNORED 

TPer Properties: 
  MaxComPacketSize = 32256  MaxResponseComPacketSize = 32256
  MaxPacketSize = 32236  MaxIndTokenSize = 32200  MaxPackets = 1
  MaxSubpackets = 1  MaxMethods = 1  MaxSessions = 1
  MaxAuthentications = 14  MaxTransactionLimit = 1  DefSessionTimeout = 600000
  MaxSessionTimeout = 0  MinSessionTimeout = 5000
Host Properties: 

  MaxComPacketSize = 2048  MaxPacketSize = 2028  MaxIndTokenSize = 1992
  MaxPackets = 1  MaxSubpackets = 1  MaxMethods = 1

I noticed that, although I completed the setMBRdone step, it's still not set on the opal drive. However, setting it again produces a confirming message, but on reboot it stays unset.

The PC is an ASUS UX410U laptop (recycled from my daughter). CSM is set. I can successfully run linuxpba from the rescue disk, It unlocks the opal drive, then boots into the installed linux. Am I missing something, or is this drive simply unable to work with sedutil?