Drive-Trust-Alliance / sedutil

DTA sedutil Self encrypting drive software
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Invalid or unsupported disk #402

Open MrKairo opened 2 years ago

MrKairo commented 2 years ago

I am trying to unlock some old disks from an IBM DS8000 array to use in my lab, these disks are seen by the LSI 9201 controller as "IBM-SSG H5VH600" and are 600gb, 10k, 12gb sas with 520 block.

I am applying under Centos 7.9 the command "sedutil-cli --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /dev/sda", xxxxxx= correct PSID in the disk label, respecting uppercase and lowercase and also all uppercase but the response is always "Invalid or unsupported disk / dev/sda", I also tried prepending "--vvvvv" but the result is always the same.

Any suggestion on this matter?

Thank you very much to all!

jose-pr commented 1 year ago

I have similar behaviour with Seagate Nytro SAS SSD with SED FIPS. "Invalid or unsupported disk / dev/sdX"

dashbaby commented 1 year ago

I have 30 of the same IBM-SSG SAS SEDs, 900Gb, I would like to resue them. They are over 10 years old, with a lot less running hours, also from a dismantled DS8000. I tried with my LSi 2308 controller from a HP Z820 with Win 11 and sedutil, no luck, I think sedutil might not recongize some types of SED. I don't know, maybe those were designed before the Opal Storage Specification? Just my guess. SED experts please? Anyone?