DrivenIIDevelop / DevCverse

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Presentation via Canva #17

Open CodeJellee opened 5 months ago

CodeJellee commented 5 months ago


CodeJellee commented 5 months ago

grading criteria Problem Statement (10 points): Clearly articulate the problem or challenge your project aims to address. Provide context, statistics, or examples to demonstrate the significance of the problem.

Solution Description (15 points): Describe your solution or project idea in detail. Explain how it innovatively addresses the identified problem and why it's feasible and effective.

Technology Stack (10 points): Outline the technologies, tools, and frameworks you used to develop your project. Points will be awarded based on the appropriateness, sophistication, and relevance of the chosen technology stack.

Features and Functionality (15 points): Highlight the key features and functionality of your project. Points will be awarded based on the creativity, usability, and user experience of the proposed solution.

Demo or Prototype (15 points): Provide a demo or prototype of your project to showcase its functionality and user experience. Points will be awarded based on the quality of the demo, the completeness of the prototype, and the smoothness of the presentation.

Impact and Benefits (15 points): Discuss the potential impact of your project and the benefits it offers to users, stakeholders, or the community. Points will be awarded based on the clarity, significance, and feasibility of the proposed impact.

Market Validation (10 points): If applicable, provide evidence of market demand or user validation for your project. Points will be awarded based on the strength of the validation evidence and its relevance to the project.

Scalability and Sustainability (10 points): Address the scalability and sustainability of your project. Points will be awarded based on the scalability plan, sustainability model, and potential for long-term impact.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies (5 points): Acknowledge any potential challenges or risks associated with your project and propose mitigation strategies to address them effectively. Points will be awarded based on the thoroughness and effectiveness of the mitigation strategies.

Presentation and Delivery (5 points): Evaluate the overall presentation and delivery of your pitch. Points will be awarded based on factors such as clarity, organization, enthusiasm, and engagement with the audience.

CodeJellee commented 5 months ago
