Driversnote-Dev / react-native-kontaktio

React Native (iOS and Android) library for beacons (and all other beacons)
MIT License
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Obtaining beacon's MAC address on IOS #73

Open Thianzeren opened 4 years ago

Thianzeren commented 4 years ago

Implemented this library effectively in android but facing some issues with IOS. I understand that it is not possible to obtain the Mac address of the Eddystone beacon.

However, it is possible to retrieve the beacon's advertisementData in IOS because the beacon's manufacturer I am working with can assist in setting the data on the beacons. From the IOS documentation I haven't seen a way to obtain advertisementData so I'm not sure.

Apart from this method, is there any other ways for IOS to match specific beacons across all phones (Unique id similar to Mac address). I understand UUID is generated for each unique phone upon scanning the beacon, however it is different for every phone despite it being the same beacon, hence it can't work for my use case as I require it to be scanned and recognised across multiple phones.

Or is it possible to set a static UUID, Major and Minor for each beacon?

Also, how do I get Major, Minor and battery levels? so far I've only tried didDiscoverEddystones and it gives me the following:

Thank you for all your help and support thus far, sorry for the swarm of questions. Stay safe and healthy everyone!