Drjacky / ImagePicker

📸Image Picker for Android, Pick images from Gallery or Capture a new image with Camera🖼
Apache License 2.0
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registerForActivityResult not called when multiple setMultipleAllowed is true #80

Open shashankholla opened 1 year ago

shashankholla commented 1 year ago
                registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),(ActivityResult result)->{
                        Uri uri=result.getData().getData();
                        // Use the uri to load the image
                    }else if(result.getResultCode()==ImagePicker.RESULT_ERROR){
                        // Use ImagePicker.Companion.getError(result.getData()) to show an error


When I select multiple images and press SELECT in the photo picker, nothing happens. My breakpoint in " if(result.getResultCode()==RESULT_OK){" is not being hit.

Drjacky commented 1 year ago

Could you please attach a sample project in Java, to reproduce the issue?

cson2701 commented 1 year ago

Same here. The whole registerForActivityResult is not called.

Drjacky commented 1 year ago

@cson2701 Could you please attach a sample project in Java, to reproduce the issue?

91coders commented 1 year ago

how to get ActivityResult if we use setMultipleAllowed(true) in JAVA please explain

Drjacky commented 1 year ago

@91coders Could you please attach a sample project in Java, to reproduce the issue?