DroidKaigi / conference-app-2020

The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2020 Tokyo
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[iOS] favorite(bookmark) scene #668

Closed fummicc1 closed 4 years ago

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago


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fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

Now, I wonder if the approach that I chooses RealmSwift as LocalStorageClient is OK.

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@takahirom Nice to meet you. I am implementing a bookmark feature for the iOS app. And, I want to confirm that the approach that I choose RealmSwift as LocalStorageClient is good. if any other solutions are better, I want to know it and will implement it as so.

takahirom commented 4 years ago

Sorry we are talking about this 🙇

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

I see. Thank you! I want to try this feature so I am waiting for your response. 😄

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

I feel that Session::isFavorited is get-only, so I want to call the end-point which switch bookmark-state and manage each user's bookmarks on the cloud. But, I know that iOS-Client is not authenticated so how to distinguish each user in the back-end. I felt it is not realistic to use FirebaseAuth anonymously signin to distinguish each user because I do not know which Firebase plan is selected. So, I was trying to choose RealmSwift which can persist bookmarked sessions in local storage.

takahirom commented 4 years ago

@fummicc1 CC: @roana0229 Sorry for my late response. 🙇 I want to use the same model for Android and iOS as DroidKaigi. Currently, the methods in Kotlin's Session class cannot be called from iOS. Therefore, I think it is good to use Realm's Object when saving and reading in DB, but I would like to use SpeechSession and SserviceSession etc. in the application if possible. So, I want to put code to convert Realm Object into SpeechSession or SpecialSession in Swift. Is it possible? 🙏 Please let me know if you have any opinions.

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@takahirom cc @roana0229 Thank you for replying! Now, I would like to confirm a little bit.

  1. Session is like a base model and I (as an ios-client) can use SpeechSession or ServiceSession instead of Session.
  2. a SessionModel except for SpeechSession and ServiceSession may be added in the future?(I wonder what SpecialSession is.)
  3. ServiceSession is like [Welcome Talk, Lunch] and SpeechSession is a session that has a speaker, right?

I want to confirm the above. Please⤴️

roana0229 commented 4 years ago
  1. Session is like a base model and I (as an ios-client) can use SpeechSession or ServiceSession instead of Session.

Exactly. SpeechSession and ServiceSession are only SessionEntity in db, and it use converted to Session(SpeechSession or ServiceSession).

In reference.

  1. a SessionModel except for SpeechSession and ServiceSession may be added in the future?(I wonder what SpecialSession is.)

Sorry. SpecialSession is mistake. 🙇 Now only SpeechSession and ServiceSession.

  1. ServiceSession is like [Welcome Talk, Lunch] and SpeechSession is a session that has a speaker, right?

Almost good. SpeechSession has more than one speakers.

Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions. 😄

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@roana0229 Thank you!!

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@takahirom @roana0229 @ry-itto Hi, sorry for replying late at night... but the bookmark feature is coming to be done. If possible, I would like you to review my code.🙇‍♂️

roana0229 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your quick work 👍 I will review tonight.

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

AppBaseSession which is used in the iOS client is made from Session (SpeechSession or ServiceSession) and there is no converting AppBaseSession into Session... It is against that I should use the same model as the Android client, right?

Using a different model from API will need more changes in the future, I think.👀

roana0229 commented 4 years ago

I want to use the same SpeechSession and ServiceSession and more for Android and iOS. 🙏

I guess better that It's save as class Session: Realm.Object { ... }. And It convert to use SpeechSession and ServiceSession. I assumed that logic only have Kotlin. Also, I think that using the same DB configuration on Android / iOS has the advantage of being easy to understand.

This purpose is to share the method of the Android model. It's no problem, if SpeechSession andServiceSession are separated in DB. How about ?

(伝えきれないかも知れないので日本語でも書きます) Androidで使っているモデルが持つメソッドを共有したいため、iOSでも同じモデル利用したいです。 私のイメージではiOSでもclass Session: Realm.Object { ... }として保存し、それを利用する際にKotlinのSpeechSession, ServiceSessionへ変換することで、ロジックをKotlin側にまとめられると想定していました。また、Android/iOSで同じDB構成にした方がわかりやすいというメリットはあると思います。

ただ、目的はAndroidのモデルが持つメソッドを共有することなので、DBへの保存する形はSpeechSession, ServiceSessionが別れていても問題ないと思います。 どうでしょうか?

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago


Thank you for replying!

私のイメージではiOSでもclass Session: Realm.Object { ... }として保存し、それを利用する際にKotlinのSpeechSession, ServiceSessionへ変換することで、ロジックをKotlin側にまとめられると想定していました。

I see. I think so too, but somehow Session inherits KotlinBase class and it is hard to inherit Realm.Object. So, I decide on the approach.

スクリーンショット 2020-02-03 19 12 21


roana0229 commented 4 years ago

すいません、自分の伝え方が悪かったかもしれないです。申し訳ないですが、日本語だけで書きます 🙇


これはその通りだと思います! 私がコメントした

私のイメージではiOSでもclass Session: Realm.Object { ... }として保存し、それを利用する際にKotlinのSpeechSession, ServiceSessionへ変換することで、ロジックをKotlin側にまとめられると想定していました。

class Session: Realm.Object { ... }部分は、KotlinBaseを継承しているSessionのことではなく、iOSで内部に保存する用の独自型を指していました。

class SessionEntity: Realm.Object {
  // AndroidのSessionEntityと同じプロパティを保持



fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@roana0229 cc @ry-itto @takahirom Sorry, the reply was delayed. I fix and now can use the same Model as Kotlin-API and Realm but I wonder if my implementation is good.

In addition to it, I have a few contents to ask... sorry. 🙇‍♂️

  1. I do not understand the difference between Message:: ResourceIdMessage and Message::TextMessage. Is there the same Entity such as MessageEntity.

The reason I am asking it is that SessionEntity needs to persist Session:: Message

```swift static func toModel(sessionEntity session: SessionEntity, firstSessionSTime firstSTime: TimeInterval) -> Session? { let sessionTypeIds: [(String, SessionType)] = [ ("normal", SessionType.normal), ("welcome_talk", SessionType.welcomeTalk), ("reserved", SessionType.reserved), ("codelabs", SessionType.codelabs), ("fireside_chat", SessionType.firesideChat), ("lunch", SessionType.lunch), ("break", SessionType.breaktime), ("after_party", SessionType.afterParty), ("unknown", SessionType.unknown), ] let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) // FIXME: I want to use same logic as Android. let startDay = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(session.stime) / 1000)).day ?? 0 let firstDay = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: firstSTime / 1000)).day ?? 0 let dayNumber = startDay - firstDay + 1 guard let room = session.room else { return nil } let sessionTypeId = session.sessionType let sessionType = sessionTypeIds.first(where: { $0.0 == sessionTypeId })?.1 let category = session.category // MARK: I have no idea to convert message into primitive-type let message = session.message // if session.isServiceSession { return ServiceSession( id: SessionId(id: session.id), dayNumber: Int32(dayNumber), startTime: TimeInterval(session.stime), endTime: TimeInterval(session.etime), title: LocaledString(ja: session.title, en: session.enTitle), desc: session.desc, room: Room( id: Int32(room.id), name: LocaledString(ja: room.name, en: room.enName), sort: Int32(room.sort)), sessionType: sessionType ?? SessionType.unknown, isFavorited: session.isFavorited ) } else { return SpeechSession( id: SessionId(id: session.id), dayNumber: Int32(dayNumber), startTime: TimeInterval(session.stime), endTime: TimeInterval(session.etime), title: LocaledString(ja: session.title, en: session.enTitle), desc: session.desc, room: Room( id: Int32(room.id), name: LocaledString(ja: room.name, en: room.enName), sort: Int32(room.sort)) , lang: session.language == "ja" ? .ja : .en, category: Category( id: Int32(category?.id ?? 0), name: LocaledString( ja: category?.name ?? "", en: category?.enName ?? "") ), intendedAudience: session.intendedAudience, videoUrl: session.videoUrl, slideUrl: session.slideUrl, isInterpretationTarget: session.isInterpretationTarget, isFavorited: session.isFavorited, speakers: session.speakers.map({ toModel(speakerEntity: $0) }), message: nil ) } } ```
  1. I have no idea to sort sessions that have same startTime.

Please Watch This Demo. demo

すいません、返事が遅れました。 修正し、UI層ではデータベースに依存せずにSessionを使うことで統一できています。


  1. ios-combined.Session.MessageTextMessageResourceIdMessageがあり、仕様が理解できていなく、Realm側のエンティティ SessionEntityにメッセージを保存できていません。

  2. 同じ開始時刻のセッションをお気に入りにしたとき、同じ開始時刻内でのセッションの並びがソートできていません。

異なるデータベースから取得してきたデータを結合しているため、現在は手動でソートしています。そこでstartTimeが同じセッションについてのソートの方法が思いつかなく、UIが急にカタつくような体験になってしまっています。(デモ動画を参照してみてください。🙇‍♂️) demo


takahirom commented 4 years ago
ios-combined.Session.Messageに TextMessageとResourceIdMessageがあり、仕様が理解できていなく、Realm側のエンティティ SessionEntityにメッセージを保存できていません。

val message: LocaledString? のようなので、気にしなくて良さそうです。そのクラスはAndroidでも使われていなそうです。


一応部屋名を使えばなんとかなるはず。。です。部屋名がアルファベット順なので 👀

takahirom commented 4 years ago


data class LocaledString(
    val ja: String,
    val en: String
fummicc1 commented 4 years ago


一応部屋名を使えばなんとかなるはず。。です。部屋名がアルファベット順なので 👀


val message: LocaledString? のようなので、気にしなくて良さそうです。そのクラスはAndroidでも使われていなそうです。


fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@ry-itto @takahirom @roana0229

お疲れ様です!長引いてしまいましたが、お気に入り機能ができたと思います。 コンフリクトを修正後のデモ動画・スクリーンショットに差し替えたので後ほどレビューをいただきたいです〜。mm

roana0229 commented 4 years ago


@fummicc1 Sounds reasonable. Could you please use first of local session stime ? And, I think that it don't have to wait for request.

see kotlin logic

I think it's okay to create another Issue or PR, what do you do?

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

If possible, I want to do this because I also think it should be fixed.

roana0229 commented 4 years ago

Of course 👍 I look forward to your commit to this PR 😄

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago


Of course 👍 I look forward to your commit on this PR 😄

Thank You!

Sorry, I want to confirm some.

In my currect implementation, it cannnot be ensured that [SessionEntity] stored in Realm has firstDay(may be 2/20).

So, to write such as sessionEntities.first().session.stime , all Sessions should be stored in local, I think.

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@roana0229 すいません、英語でどう書けばいいか分からなかったので日本語で書きます。mm


APIからセッションの取得が成功したときに関してはremoteSessions.first.startTimeを基にそれぞれのセッションがDay1なのかDay2なのかを判断し、もしネットワークが不安定などの理由でKotlin-Apiからデータを正常に取得できなかったら、iOS側にハードコーディグした 1582160400というUNIX時間からそれぞれのセッションがDay1なのかDay2なのかを判断する仕様にしてみました。

結果的にはオフライン時でもお気に入りが見れる仕様にはなっていると思います。 どうでしょうか。👀

```swift sessionsFetchFromApiRelay .asObservable() .flatMap { [unowned self] (sessions: [Session]) -> Observable<[Session]> in if sessions.isEmpty { return self.bookingSessionProvider.fetchBookedSessions() } return .just(sessions) } .filter { !$0.isEmpty } .compactMap { $0.first?.startTime } .flatMap(bookingSessionProvider.fetchBookedSessions) .bind(to: sessionsFetchFromLocalRelay) .disposed(by: disposeBag) ```


jmatsu-bot commented 4 years ago

No issue was reported. Cool!

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger

jmatsu-bot commented 4 years ago

Your apk has been deployed to https://deploygate.com/distributions/dc9e293a3e6d8224a3e7cbb21aac0f4ef3bd2206. Anyone can try your changes via the link.

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger

roana0229 commented 4 years ago


roana0229 commented 4 years ago

Thank you always 😄 Awesome 👍 👍 👍

fummicc1 commented 4 years ago

@roana0229 I just discovered some bugs, but it takes a lot of time to fix it with my current technology (sorry...), so I'm glad to have it merged once in this state. Thank you very much.👍👍👍

roana0229 commented 4 years ago

@fummicc1 No worries. 👍 Even if it has unresolved problem, it can create another issue or pr. It is recommended that would you create a small PR to easy merging. 😄