DroidPlanner / Tower

Ground Control Station for Android Devices
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Tower app crashes on Android 4.0.4 when no wifi #1720

Closed mariansoban closed 8 years ago

mariansoban commented 8 years ago

Tower application always crashes on Android 4.0.4 while start when there is NO ACTIVE WIFI connection. LOG: crash.log.txt Fix: https://github.com/DroidPlanner/Tower/blob/develop/Android/src/org/droidplanner/android/utils/NetworkUtils.java#L53 public static String getCurrentWifiLink(Context context) { ... final String connectedSSID = connectedWifi == null ? null : connectedWifi.getSSID().replace("\"", ""); ---> final String connectedSSID = connectedWifi != null && connectedWifi.getSSID() != null ? connectedWifi.getSSID().replace("\"", "") : null;

Environment: Lenovo A660 with Android 4.0.4

emerich68 commented 8 years ago

have the same problem in galaxy tab 10" & android 4.0.4. Can you send me a compiled version with your correction (.apk)

mariansoban commented 8 years ago

Here you are. Please note, that the version contains my API key for google maps and is not an official release. In other words - use at your own risk. tower-release.3.2.0-sobi-3-bugfix_wifi.zip

emerich68 commented 8 years ago

it works , I can not setup mapbox id , but it works, thanks a lot we hope to be included in the official version

m4gr3d commented 8 years ago

@mariansoban thanks for the bug report and fix! The fix will be included in the next beta release.