DroidPlanner / Tower

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How to add a camera to the application #1756

Open JhonyVillacis opened 8 years ago

JhonyVillacis commented 8 years ago

Greetings, I want to add a multispectral camera to the application to work with a 3dr Only someone could help me as I do that

guyppp commented 8 years ago

There's a good guide here http://www.mapir.camera/blogs/guide/48987139-adding-the-mapir-camera-to-mission-planner-and-tower It's specific for mapir cameras, but if you know the parameters for your camera it should work

kikislater commented 8 years ago

I think there is a problem in his xml. Under Mission planner : Survey2 + 3.97mm Lens (Standard Lens Included):

<name>Survey2 3.97mm 16MP</name>

Under Tower : Survey2:

<Name>Survey2 16MP</Name>

Sensor width and height does not have the same size in Mission planner and Tower for the same camera ! It's a non sense. It should be this in Tower :

<Name>Survey2 16MP</Name>
guyppp commented 8 years ago

well spotted...I've emailed the people at Mapir to confirm. Will post their reply here when it comes. Thanks for pointing it out! I am also uncertain why the height is greater than the width, as in normal camera orientation (i.e. with the shutter button at the top) the width of the image & sensor must be greater than the height??

kikislater commented 8 years ago

I tell him on mapir facebook, his answer bellow :

MAPIR Camera Looks like one of the sensor size numbers are swapped. Width is always larger than height. We'll get it swapped on the site shortly. Thanks

Th sensor height and sensor weight seems to be pixels divided by 1000 !

JhonyVillacis commented 8 years ago

did the procedure and I could add my application multispectral camera to my problem was put in the name of xml with special caracterees rename and I worked perfectly here xml code

RedEdge MicaSense 4.8 3.6 1.3 5.5