DroidPlanner / Tower

Ground Control Station for Android Devices
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Black screen, freeze and even crash after re-entering Vehicle Data section #1883

Open geniusxie1 opened 6 years ago

geniusxie1 commented 6 years ago

Hey folks,

I have noticed that the Tower app will freeze and go to black screen if I navigate out from Vehicle Data section to any other section and then re-enter back into Vehicle Data. The black screen will recover in a while but I do see app crash occasionally. I have tested on a few different Android devices and both the Tower and Tower Beta and they all seem having the same issue. I have also noticed the following:

1: When the vehicle is in air and doing mission this will not happen. Switching out and re-enter into Vehicle Data works smoothly. 2: This always happens when I finish an auto mission and wanted to create a new mission in Editor section. Once I created the new mission and tries to go back to Vehicle Data section to start mission. The app goes into black screen and will take minutes to recover.

Could you guys kindly take a look? If you need more information please feel free to let me know. Thanks.

