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Ground Control Station for Android Devices
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New french regulations imacting ground stations #1891

Open InanixFR opened 6 years ago

InanixFR commented 6 years ago

Hi everybody,

Some new laws will appears in France in July .

One of them concerns the ground station. This new law implies that the maximum flight altitude option could not be disabled and if you set a value more than 150m a warning message should appears.

I put you the "decret" and "arrete" in fench, if you are interrested by the subject. https://old2017.federation-drone.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/5-Decret-limitation-capacite%CC%81-V03-08-2017.pdf


But I think the problem is more global. Country specific laws should appears in a lot of country. What is the better solution to implement them

Create a fork for each country? Implement them in master branch and activate them depending of your location? Thanks

billbonney commented 6 years ago

We could add it based on locale that your device was detected to be in. But in any case AFAIU this is a proposed law and not law yet.