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Switching between pages - default Hybrid app DS 2.67 #3

Open GT-CBG opened 5 months ago

GT-CBG commented 5 months ago

Hi there,

This relates to the default ‘Hybrid’ 'AppBar and Drawer' app, I have only added a button also on the Home page.

If you use the menu/drawer to switch between pages, the button on the ’Settings’ page will always work, but if you use the menu/drawer to flip back to the ‘Home’ page, the Home page stops responding to touch (the button I created does not work anymore).

Any idea why? Thanks

hamacjumar commented 4 months ago

Can you paste a code to reproduce this issue?

GT-CBG commented 4 months ago

Hi Jumar, just create a new Hybrid 'Multipage' app in DS, and add a button to the Home page. I added the code below but you know how to do it ;-) then use the Drawer menu to switch between the Settings page and the Home page and you will see that the button on Home will stop responding to touch. The button on Settings strangely keeps working. I suspect that there is a problem with the 'frame' type of layout for this.layPage Thanks!

    //If layout not created yet.
    if( !this.lay )
        //Create the layout.
        this.lay = ui.addLayout( this.main.layPage, "linear", "fillxy,vcenter" )
        this.lay.setChildMargins( .05, .05, .05, .05 )

        //Add some text.
        var s = "This is your <strong>Home page</strong>."
        this.txtHome = ui.addText( this.lay, s, "Multiline,Html" )

        //Add a button with primary color.
        this.btnHello = ui.addButton( this.lay, "Hello Home", "primary" )
        this.btnHello.setOnTouch( ()=>{ ui.showPopup("hi","bottom") } )

    //Show the page.
hamacjumar commented 4 months ago


Thank you!!!

This is already addressed in the soon to released version of UI Version 0.28. This issue has been posted already in the Google Forum last January 12, 2024


Planning to released the version soonest. I just need to test the latest components such as CameraView and VideoView.


GT-CBG commented 4 months ago

Many thanks Jumar, it would be great if v0.28 would also fix the issue with the App Bar (see separate ticket). Kind regards.

GT-CBG commented 4 months ago

Hi Jumar, when is v0.28 going to be released? Thanks

hamacjumar commented 4 months ago

it will be released maybe tonight of tomorrow. Just completing the docs and some enhancements on the samples for the newest controls.