Droliven / MSRGCN

Official implementation of MSR-GCN (ICCV2021 paper)
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Mean Angle Error (MAE)Comparions #4

Closed Xuehao-Gao closed 1 year ago

Xuehao-Gao commented 2 years ago

Can you provide the official MAE performance of MSRGCN to help others compare it with other methods more comprehensively?

Many Thanks

Droliven commented 2 years ago

As what is argured by Wei Mao et al., angle representation is ambiguous, you could find it in the Fig 4 of their paper, that is the reason why we use 3D coordinate representation, instead of the angle representation .

@inproceedings{mao2019learning, title={Learning trajectory dependencies for human motion prediction}, author={Mao, Wei and Liu, Miaomiao and Salzmann, Mathieu and Li, Hongdong}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={9489--9497}, year={2019} }