DroneDB / ddb-desktop

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Display GCP Points #11

Open gsmercier opened 3 years ago

gsmercier commented 3 years ago

Would be great if I could see my ground control points(in some other color) along with the photo locations. And have them always above if you open the photo tile. -G.

pierotofy commented 3 years ago

Thanks @gsmercier ! This has been brought up a few times (see the related issue: https://github.com/DroneDB/DroneDB/issues/145) so it's definitely on the road map to be implemented.

What format do you use for your GCPs? Can you share some example files?

gsmercier commented 3 years ago

Here is one I have headed with the proj4 string . . . +proj=tmerc +lat_0=29.5 +lon_0=-88.83333333333333 +k=0.99995 +x_0=300000.0000000001 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs 4264,292500.497,1058802.084,6.105 4265,291757.564,1059875.948,6.221 4266,293954.004,1057507.83,5.016 4267,295535.896,1057341.866,2.236 4268,293867.552,1059380.994,4.184 4269,292671.094,1060564.816,6.402

When I use your GCPeditor PRO I just bring them in like this and tell it the epsg code for the data (typ for me is 2254) . . . GCP Label,Northing,Easting,Elevation (ft) 4264,292500.497,1058802.084,6.105 4265,291757.564,1059875.948,6.221 4266,293954.004,1057507.83,5.016 4267,295535.896,1057341.866,2.236 4268,293867.552,1059380.994,4.184 4269,292671.094,1060564.816,6.402