Drop92 / MusicAlarm

The goal of this project is to schedule music launch on android or android tv.
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Identify proper way to schedule music alarm #2

Open Drop92 opened 6 years ago

Drop92 commented 6 years ago

At least two possibilities exist :

Keeping in mind that android TV box may be in deep sleep state (going to check this once I finalize mobile version).

Drop92 commented 6 years ago

Alarm manager based solution is implemented. It looks robust enough to wake up at the desired time. Mobile version is under test.

Drop92 commented 6 years ago

While mobile version is working as expected, I get following issues on TV:

  1. Impossible to choose hour and minutes via D-pad using TimePickerDialog. I have added NumberPicker instead to get it working;
  2. TV box is failed to wake up from sleep with alarm manager intent (tv box sleep mode behavior is different from smartphone lock screen). Will investigate under separate issue.
  3. Unable to start google music by mediastore intent, cause google music app is not inside "searcheble app list" for my android box (WTF!). I don't even expect that google or nvidia are going to fix this for me. Instead I was able to start PLEX app. Probably I can use PLEX along with external plugin capable to play from google music.

Currenly blocked by 2.