DropSnorz / OwlPlug

Audio plugin manager. Small tool to manage VST / AU / LV2 plugins on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Abort a running task from UI #184

Open DropSnorz opened 1 year ago

DropSnorz commented 1 year ago

The only way to abort a running or planned task is by closing the app. It would be helpful to cancel/abort a task: Plugin Sync, Bundle Installation, etc...

DropSnorz commented 4 months ago

Implementing task cancellation on top of JavaFx Task will introduce some complexity on each task logic definition.

During task execution, frequent calls should be made to task.isCancelled() during execution (downloads, file move, ...) to handle the cancellation logic and complete the task gracefully. It means, we have to define all points in a task execution where cancellation is possible.

This cancellation won't help with a task stuck on a java or native call.