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WIP on sharding and Ethereum 2.0 with enshrined-in-consensus data availability and Rust: a fast, safe, concurrent and practical programming language
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Sharding protocol research tracker #13

Open jamesray1 opened 6 years ago

jamesray1 commented 6 years ago

Here is a link for the source of the tasks: https://ethresear.ch/t/a-general-framework-of-overhead-and-finality-time-in-sharding-and-a-proposal/1638/11. Vitalik said:

I would recommend at this point continuing to build at least:

  • The capability of having 100 separate shard p2p networks, and building and sending collations across those networks [see #7 for P2P sub protocol messages]
  • The ability to read logs emitted by an SMC
  • The ability to send transactions that call an addHeader function of the SMC
  • The ability for a client to maintain a database of which collation roots it has downloaded the full body for
  • The ability of a validator to (i) log in, (ii) detect that it has been randomly sampled, switch to the right p2p network, and start doing stuff, (iii) log out
jamesray1 commented 6 years ago

Here's a follow up: https://ethresear.ch/t/a-minimal-sharding-protocol-that-may-be-worthwhile-as-a-development-target-now/1650/2

jamesray1 commented 6 years ago

And another one: https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/issues/539.

jamesray1 commented 6 years ago

The sharding phase 1 spec is deprecated. https://ethresear.ch/t/sharding-phase-1-spec-retired. Here is the reason why: https://ethresear.ch/t/exploring-the-proposer-collator-split/1632.

jamesray1 commented 6 years ago


jamesray1 commented 6 years ago


jamesray1 commented 6 years ago

There are additional links in this thread and update: https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/991021062811930624.

jamesray1 commented 6 years ago
