Dropsource / monarch

Monarch is a tool for building Flutter widgets in isolation. It makes it easy to build, test and debug complex UIs.
MIT License
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We could not find a compatible Monarch UI for this version of Monarch and Flutter. #119

Closed jtmuller5 closed 10 months ago

jtmuller5 commented 10 months ago

I am using the latest version of the stable channel for Flutter:

Flutter 3.13.4 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 367f9ea16b (34 hours ago) • 2023-09-12 23:27:53 -0500
Engine • revision 9064459a8b
Tools • Dart 3.1.2 • DevTools 2.25.0

When I try to run monarch run, I get the following error:

We could not find a compatible Monarch UI for this version of Monarch and Flutter.
You could try switching Flutter versions. Or, create a GitHub issue in the Monarch repo 
and let us know which Flutter version your project is using: 

monarch init worked okay so its just the run command that seems to not like my Flutter setup.

fertrig commented 10 months ago

The automation failed yesterday when the new flutter release came out. I'm looking at it in a few minutes.

Monarch should work with a previous version of Flutter.

fertrig commented 10 months ago

It should work now.