DrozmotiX / ioBroker.coronavirus-statistics

Adapter to show Global Corona Virus information and current reports
MIT License
18 stars 19 forks source link

How to get the program working? #48

Closed kklepper closed 3 years ago

kklepper commented 4 years ago

!!! Before you start !!!!
Verify if there is not already an issue requesting the same Enhancement

Describe wanted Enhancement !
A clear description of the wanted functionality

Please give a step by step instruction. Your fine work is in vain if users cannot use it.

Why should we put effort in it ?
Please add some additional information why this Enhancement should be integrated

I spent quite some time to find my way and switched to https://github.com/ahmadawais/corona-cli to get going, but I do not get there what I want (see https://github.com/ahmadawais/corona-cli/issues/94). I hope corona-virus-statistics answers some of the questions I have.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I am on windows (my linux box runs without a graphical interface), so I installed iobroker-1.5.14.b-windows-installer.exe. At first run, it showed a lot (guess: 50-100) adapters. I managed to install corona-virus-statistics, so I thought.

Next I had to reboot my machine. ioBroker had only 3 adapters then. No idea where all the others had gone. I installed corona-virus-statistics again (alternative command ./iobroker url "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.coronavirus-statistics/tarball/master" coronavirus-statistics). It looked right and took some time, and when I looked again, I still had 3 adapters. No corona-virus-statistics. I could not believe it and repeated the procedure, with the same result.

Now what?

Obviously, your pals know what to do. I dont't and run out of ideas.

DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

are you willing for an Webex session for some explanation of the ioBroker ?

Btw : did you read : https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/admin/adapter.md

kklepper commented 4 years ago

are you willing for an Webex session for some explanation of the ioBroker ?

Not yet.

Btw : did you read : https://www.iobroker.net/#de/documentation/admin/adapter.md

Great advice! Thank you.



runs forever...

DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

Anything in the Logs ?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

2020-04-30 17:16:19.669 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 17:23:25.277 - info: info.0 Popup-News readed...
2020-04-30 17:30:00.009 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 22952
2020-04-30 17:30:00.016 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 13112
2020-04-30 17:30:00.537 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 17:30:00.896 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 17:45:00.018 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 20912
2020-04-30 17:45:00.026 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 19916
2020-04-30 17:45:00.762 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 17:45:00.781 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 17:53:25.191 - info: info.0 Popup-News readed...
2020-04-30 18:00:00.019 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 16356
2020-04-30 18:00:00.027 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 3064
2020-04-30 18:00:00.533 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:00:00.534 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:15:00.008 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 21556
2020-04-30 18:15:00.020 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 5672
2020-04-30 18:15:00.383 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:15:00.388 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:23:25.203 - info: info.0 Popup-News readed...
2020-04-30 18:30:00.018 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 23460
2020-04-30 18:30:00.175 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 12024
2020-04-30 18:30:01.390 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:30:01.424 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:45:00.032 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 23136
2020-04-30 18:45:00.228 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 13104
2020-04-30 18:45:00.810 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:45:00.845 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 18:53:25.189 - info: info.0 Popup-News readed...
2020-04-30 19:00:00.008 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 8484
2020-04-30 19:00:00.015 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 12096
2020-04-30 19:00:00.611 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 19:00:00.617 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 19:15:00.019 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 started with pid 16400
2020-04-30 19:15:00.032 - info: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 started with pid 20324
2020-04-30 19:15:00.607 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.0 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 19:15:00.626 - error: host.w1412(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 terminated with code 1 ()
2020-04-30 19:23:25.229 - info: info.0 Popup-News readed...
etc. etc.
DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

Hmm i dont see a reason here why the tables are not loading

As we had some start issue please do me a favor and delete the adapter + install again and see what happens

Otherwise I would really see pleas install teamviewer, anydesk or join me in a webex 😉

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Ok, will do ASAP

kklepper commented 4 years ago

I managed to uninstall corona-virus-statistics.

Then I had learned to click on Adapter mit Aktualisierungen which had given me a long list and the opportunity to install corona-virus-statistics before.

But not now.


I am stuck. Reload does not help. What now?

I had this before and used Installieren aus eigener URL and then VON GITHUB. This did something, but in the end I did not have the adapter, so it was in vain.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

I found a way via Info. corona-virus-statistics installs now.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Stuck since 5 minutes:


Will resume...

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Same thing... starts with green progress button, progresses fast within 3 - 5 seconds, then turns red and is stuck.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Started here:


kklepper commented 4 years ago

Similar with Admin except gets stuck and does not turn from green to red


kklepper commented 4 years ago

Finally disappeared (while I wrote the protocol), but did not update...


kklepper commented 4 years ago

Same with discovery


I notice that node.js is outdated... and catch the message that update had been successfull... So I was wrong.

Refresh shows new status:


Info is up-to-date as well


Ok, new attempt...

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Here we have it:


$ ./iobroker install coronavirus-statistics Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher! adapter "coronavirus-statistics" already installed. Use "upgrade" to upgrade to a newer version. ERROR: process exited with code 51

kklepper commented 4 years ago

adapter "coronavirus-statistics" already installed. Use "upgrade" to upgrade to a newer version.

I could not find the adapter so I used Alle Adapter upgraden


Well, I am not convinced. I just do not see the adapter. Conjecture: my manual install might have been wrong.


D:\node_modules>npm uninstall iobroker.coronavirus-statistics@latest
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\package.json'
npm WARN !invalid#1 No description
npm WARN !invalid#1 No repository field.
npm WARN !invalid#1 No README data
npm WARN !invalid#1 No license field.

audited 315 packages in 7.404s
found 5 low severity vulnerabilities
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

Next a new attempt:

$ ./iobroker install coronavirus-statistics
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!
adapter "coronavirus-statistics" already installed. Use "upgrade" to upgrade to a newer version.
ERROR: process exited with code 51
kklepper commented 4 years ago

Socket.io Server detected. Please update to js-controller 2.0 or higher!

I'll tackle this one now.

DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

wow JS-Controller < 2.0, which installer did u use that's basically almost Stone Age (mja a year ago but within it that's Stone Age :))

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Where do I find JS-Controller? I assumed it is part of node.js and updated to the latest version

D:\>node -v

but ioBroker after refresh still shows

v10.16.3 (Es gibt eine neuere Version: v10.20.1 - Empfohlene Version v12.16.3)

Now the additional packages are being installed (right now python) and after that I will reboot because of Windows update. Hopefully this will fix the problem.

DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

Where do I find JS-Controller? I assumed it is part of node.js and updated to the latest version

no JS-controller is the MASTER of iobroker, the brain, the backend .... the hart of everything

as I see your setup is really wrong, were did you install ioBroker from this is going the wrong direction :) ?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

I used the latest download 2020-04-29: iobroker-1.5.14.b-windows-installer.exe. What is wrong with this?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Same thing:

v10.16.3 (Es gibt eine neuere Version: v10.20.1 - Empfohlene Version v12.16.3)

How come?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Ok, found iobroker-latest-windows-installer.exe , try again.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Now this is the new installation running on a new port:


kklepper commented 4 years ago

js-controller Upgrade Anleitung

Für das Updaten von ioBroker auf Windows den entsprechenden Installer mit der gewünschten js-controller-Version von der Download-Seite https://www.iobroker.net/#de/download herunterladen und mit diesem das Update vornehmen. Mit dem Windows Installer können auch vorher manuell installierte Server oder Installationen von anderen Betriebssystemen nach Windows migriert und geupdated werden.

Did that, result known.

Windows (manuell installiert) Eine manuelle Installation erfolgt mit Administrator-Rechten. Bitte deshalb ein cmd.exe-Kommandozeilenfenster als Administrator starten (mit Rechtsklick auf cmd.exe und "Ausführen als Administrator") und dort folgende Befehle ausführen:

cd C:\iobroker (oder wo ioBroker installiert wurde) iobroker stop, um den ioBroker Service zu stoppen iobroker status, um zu prüfen, ob ioBroker beendet ist iobroker update iobroker upgrade self ioBroker Service starten oder Rechner rebooten, danach sollte ioBroker neu starten und man kann sicher sein das alle alten Prozesse beendet waren.

Does not work...

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" stop
2020-05-01 15:28:19,874 INFO  - Stopping the service with id 'iobroker(ioBroker)'

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" status

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" update
Unknown command: update
Available commands:
- 'install'   - install the service to Windows Service Controller
- 'uninstall' - uninstall the service
- 'start'     - start the service (must be installed before)
- 'stop'      - stop the service
- 'restart'   - restart the service
- 'restart!'  - self-restart (can be called from child processes)
- 'status'    - check the current status of the service
- 'test'      - check if the service can be started and then stopped
- 'testwait'  - starts the service and waits until a key is pressed then stops the service
- 'version'   - print the version info
- 'help'      - print the help info (aliases: -h,--help,-?,/?)
2020-05-01 15:41:12,436 FATAL - Unhandled exception
System.Exception: Unknown command: update
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)
System.Exception: Unknown command: update
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" upgrade self
Unknown command: upgrade
Available commands:
- 'install'   - install the service to Windows Service Controller
- 'uninstall' - uninstall the service
- 'start'     - start the service (must be installed before)
- 'stop'      - stop the service
- 'restart'   - restart the service
- 'restart!'  - self-restart (can be called from child processes)
- 'status'    - check the current status of the service
- 'test'      - check if the service can be started and then stopped
- 'testwait'  - starts the service and waits until a key is pressed then stops the service
- 'version'   - print the version info
- 'help'      - print the help info (aliases: -h,--help,-?,/?)
2020-05-01 15:50:54,387 FATAL - Unhandled exception
System.Exception: Unknown command: upgrade
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)
System.Exception: Unknown command: upgrade
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
   bei winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" version

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" start
2020-05-01 15:41:51,129 INFO  - Starting the service with id 'iobroker(ioBroker)'

D:\>"D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker" status
Stabilostick commented 4 years ago

Please change your active folder one level up before issuing the update command. iobroker.exe in the daemon folder is only a service wrapper, not the main iobroker program.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

This is really weird:

D:\>node -v


v10.17.0 (Es gibt eine neuere Version: v10.20.1 - Empfohlene Version v12.16.3)

Preinstalled adapters outdated again. Refresh hangs


Same with discovery


Is the effort worth it?

Should I report to https://forum.iobroker.net/category/10/error-bug ?

Once again:



for 15 minutes, no log entries

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Please change your active folder one level up before issuing the update command. iobroker.exe in the daemon folder is only a service wrapper, not the main iobroker program.

Ok, will do...

kklepper commented 4 years ago


kklepper commented 4 years ago


D:\>cd "D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\iobroker"
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

D:\>cd "D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon\"

D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\daemon>cd ..

D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker>iobroker status
*** Error. Please start the ioBroker commandline with the correct Windows startmenu shortcut. Aborting...

Ok, do that...

*               Welcome to ioBroker.                 *
*                                                    *
*   Type 'iobroker help' for list of instructions.   *
*                For more help see                   *
*     https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.docs      *

Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 10.17.0 (x64) and npm.

Looks good so far... update looks fine, long list...

D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker>iobroker upgrade self
Update js-controller from @2.1.0 to @2.2.9
NPM version: 6.11.3
npm install iobroker.js-controller@2.2.9 --unsafe-perm --loglevel error --prefix "D:/data/Programme/iobroker/ioBroker" (System call)
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:193:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:248:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.18363
gyp ERR! command "D:\\data\\Programme\\iobroker\\ioBroker\\nodejs\\node.exe" "D:\\data\\Programme\\iobroker\\ioBroker\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd D:\data\Programme\iobroker\ioBroker\node_modules\iobroker.js-controller\node_modules\unix-dgram
gyp ERR! node -v v10.17.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.0.3
gyp ERR! not ok
Starting node restart.js
kklepper commented 4 years ago

I added 5 SQL results with same query, different order to https://github.com/ahmadawais/corona-cli/issues/94

Stabilostick commented 4 years ago

Okay, I assume the update went well?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

@Stabilostick see above gyp ERR! not ok

Stabilostick commented 4 years ago

Unix-dgram can not be build on Windows OS. But this is not a problem because it is an optional package and not needed on Windows.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

@Stabilostick Thank you! So it should work, right?

The issue with js-controller seems to be resolved.

Issues with http://localhost:8091/adapter/info/tab_m.html#


D:\node_modules>node -v


Adapter coronavirus-statistics could be installed, but

http://localhost:8091/#tab-instances/config/system.adapter.coronavirus-statistics.1 does not stop as before


Klicking on ERWEITERTE EINSTELLUNGEN stopped this.

Now I have it twice:


Ok, interesting, I expected one to be there from yesterday, but did not find it. So you can have many adapters of the same type.

Ok, I'll look for information via Google first.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

I watched installation on pi and Tankstellenpreise, so I have learned something and resume:


Anyway, a new whole world I knew nothing about opened up for me.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

I learned about sql and flot and vis and expected to find data under coronavirus-statistics objects -- but I only find countryTranslator.

So what now? I developed the idea to feed the official numbers as datapoints to be able to generate charts, but where do I find data?

kklepper commented 4 years ago

FYI: https://coronavirus-19-api.herokuapp.com/tabs/tab1 Information from www.worldometers.info

=> see https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/issues/2417

DutchmanNL commented 4 years ago

I am not sure without anydesk or team viewer how to assist further

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Ok, I try with Linux. Thank you all.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

Tested 2 docker images

docker@boot2docker:/mnt/sde1/tmp$ docker images | grep "iobroker"
buanet/iobroker                                                          latest                  cde9c9ca1a33        5 days ago          1GB
salenss/iobroker                                                         latest                  34214e6f9c92        16 months ago       405MB

buanet/iobroker worked, will have a close look now and try to generate graphs.

kklepper commented 4 years ago

With buanet/iobroker, I installed the adapter and see all the objects. Fine.

As far as I can see there are coronavirus-statistics widgets:

root@bec1c88cf301:/opt/iobroker#  grep -rn 'iobroker-data' -e "ioBroker.vis coronavirus-statistics Widget-Set"
iobroker-data/files/vis/index.html:3260:    ioBroker.vis coronavirus-statistics Widget-Set
iobroker-data/files/vis/edit.html:3281:    ioBroker.vis coronavirus-statistics Widget-Set
iobroker-data/files/vis/widgets/coronavirus-statistics.html:2:    ioBroker.vis coronavirus-statistics Widget-Set

I also have http://voxx.b2d:8082/vis/edit.html#corona1 and inserted an iframe and html widget.

I tried several methods (path, direct paste, Widgets Importieren), nothing worked.

For example the latter produces the same error regardless if path (iobroker-data/files/vis/index.html) or code (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.coronavirus-statistics/master/widgets/coronavirus-statistics.html) is inserted:


From this I deduce that widgets have to be json, not html.

For the iframe: what is the path? I tried to find out and used numerous variants, to no avail. Sorry, this is what I meant:

Please give a step by step instruction. Your fine work is in vain if users cannot use it.

I spent hours surfing the internet and studying different tutorials, and I still don't get it.

How do I make your widgets to be shown?