DrozmotiX / ioBroker.discovergy

Receive all data of Discovery API into ioBroker to have your energy consumption and delivery monitored
MIT License
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Adapter is not working #226

Closed michawerner closed 2 years ago

michawerner commented 2 years ago

The adapter is not working (does not connect to discovergy). I got a new Discovergy 2-direction smart meter. The adapter is connected to host, has a "Lebenszeichen", but no connection. The demo account is working well, but my own account fails. Tried to delete the adapter and installed it again - same effect.

My account is working fine on the discovergy website, so this should not be the problem.

The main error seems to be "doDiscovergyCall] URIError: URI malformed"

Please, can you help to solve this problem? I will leave some "virtual beers" on PayPal ;-)

Thank you very much grafik


michawerner commented 2 years ago

sorry my fault, I used a % and ! in my password... with characters and numbers only everything works... enjoy the beer cheers!