DruRly / gemrat

Save Time. Add the latest version of gems to your Gemfile from the command line.
MIT License
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Gemfile gem options #19

Open samsm opened 10 years ago

samsm commented 10 years ago

I'd like the ability to specify any of the options one might use in a Gemfile ...

gem 'anjlab-bootstrap-rails', :require => 'bootstrap-rails',
                              :github => 'anjlab/bootstrap-rails'

I think it might look like this on the command line:

gemrat a b version:~2.0 c d github:foo/bar

... resulting in ...

gem "a", "[most recent version]"
gem "b", "~2.0"
gem "c", "[most recent version]"
gem "d", :github => "foo/bar"

Another possibility would be for the Gemrat Ruby API to have this capability while the command line does not.

My motivation is a generator gem I've been working on that, amongst other things, would add gems to a Gemfile. I'm taking a simplistic approach for now, but thought I'd find out what you thought of the above suggestion in the event I had some time to work on it.

DruRly commented 10 years ago

Hi Sam,

Your tentative API for making these options possible looks good. If you decide to make this possible, I'd be willing to accept the pull request.

Thanks for opening the issue.

smcabrera commented 9 years ago

Hi! Is anyone working on this? @DruRly would you be able to review a pull request if I submitted one?

lesterzone commented 8 years ago

Useful gem. It'll be awesome if some params are supported, some random ideas:

gemrat 'sprockets-es6' --require 'sprockets/es6' --development
gemrat  'sprockets-es6' --require 'sprockets/es6' --path git....