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Drupal GovCon 2015 website
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Add Volunteer content and form to the site #61

Closed dsheffler closed 9 years ago

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

Could we please add the form (and text that we used last year) to the site, so that we can start getting volunteer requests early?

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

Our event would not be able to run smoothly without members of the community such as yourself. Thank you for your interest in volunteering! We have many different volunteer needs, so please fill out the form below with your basic information and volunteer interests. We will provide you with more information a month before the event with your volunteer assignment(s).

The form fields are below:

  1. Name:
  2. Email address:
  3. Phone number:
  4. How many days are you available? Please select all that apply.
    1. Prep/setup day, July 21
    2. Day 1, July 22
    3. Day 2, July 23
    4. Day 3, July 24
    5. All of the above
  5. When are you available? Please select all that apply. [multi-select field]
    1. July 21, 2 – 5 pm (setup)
    2. July 22, 7:30 am – noon am
    3. July 22 afternoon – 5 pm
    4. July 22, Happy hour - 5pm-8pm
    5. July 23, 7:30 am – noon am
    6. July 23 afternoon – 5 pm
    7. July 24, 7:30 am – noon am
    8. July 24 afternoon – 5 pm
    9. July 24, Closing reception 5pm-7pm
  6. How many hours are you available each day?
  7. What would you like to do? Please select all that apply.
    1. Conference prep (bag stuffing, signage)
    2. Registration table
    3. Snack and lunch assistance (no food handling required)
    4. Room/session monitor
    5. Session moderator
    6. Manage speakers’ needs
    7. Manage vendors’ needs
    8. Session recorder/IT
    9. Directions at security
    10. Traffic cop between sessions
    11. Happy hour assistance
    12. Post signage/remove signage
    13. Conference clean up
    14. Stage manager for keynotes
    15. BoF manager
    16. Training manager
    17. Drupal BINGO/scavenger hunt
    18. Other, please specify
dsheffler commented 9 years ago

Github changed my numbering around so please ignore that. Also, comments is supposed to be its own field and not under Other, please specify.

timwood commented 9 years ago

I fixed the formatting of your comment.

Nneka commented 9 years ago

Read the comments in the issue referenced above--> Issue #76 to get an idea of what change is needed.

Seems as if you'd rather have the ability to attach a webform to a node entity than using the Webform functionality. Did a little research and found a few modules:

Entityforms Flexiforms

Will test these two to see how they work.

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

I'm just used to being able to create a basic page and add a webform as a block, so it's using both. Not sure if COD has that functionality.

timwood commented 9 years ago

@Nneka Out of the box, Webform can be enabled on any content type. My idea in issue #76 is to enable webform on the page content type, export that change as a feature override in one of our two dgc_ features and as a bonus add on the https://www.drupal.org/project/form_builder module to make building the forms awesome.

@dsheffler I'm not sure what you mean adding a webform as a block. As in the Drupal blocks system?

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

@timwood, yes. I'm used to being able to check the "use webform as a block" and attach it to any page. I'm not saying that's how it works in COD. :) I just wanted to give an example of how I was thinking the page would look/act.

timwood commented 9 years ago

The main reason I think we should use the page content type is that it's OG (and therefore event) aware where the webform content type is not. Just seems like the right thing to do with COD, but maybe I'm wrong.

Nneka commented 9 years ago

@timwood Gotcha! So going forward, Webforms will be created using the Page content type. Makes sense to me especially since OG isn't aware of Webforms. Did you look here to determine that? (http://capitalcampstg.prod.acquia-sites.com/admin/config/group/permissions/node/event -- making sure I understand).

Going to feature override adding the webform to the page CT and see what form_builder has to offer.

Let me know if I'm missing something or there's anything else I need to be aware of.

Nneka commented 9 years ago

Doing this on my local dev first...

timwood commented 9 years ago

The Webform content type is automatically created by the webform module and COD doesn't do anything to change it, so it doesn't have an organic groups field attached to it, like almost all the other content types in COD. You can enable webform for the page content type at /admin/structure/types/manage/page (last vertical tab "Webform").

Nneka commented 9 years ago

@dsheffler After a user fills out the volunteer form, what will the confirmation message say?

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

@Nneka, I think something like this would work best: Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Drupal GovCon. Our volunteer team will reach out to you in the coming months regarding assignments.

Nneka commented 9 years ago

Volunteering page has been created.
Check it out.... https://www.drupalgovcon.org/drupal-govcon-2015/volunteering

Currently all fields except Comments is mandatory. Also wondering if I can find phone number validation.

timwood commented 9 years ago

Looks good to me.

Nneka commented 9 years ago

Form has been created and is published.


Nneka commented 9 years ago

Next question is.. how will users get to the volunteer page? Where will this link from?

dsheffler commented 9 years ago

@Nneka, could we please place it under the Community dropdown? Thanks!

jdearie commented 9 years ago

I added the page to the Community drop down menu this morning - we'll send out some messaging today as well.