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Очистка от несуществующих модулей #595

Closed mbaev closed 7 years ago

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Для создания автоматизированного разворачивания dev и test окружений нужно максимально облегчить базу от лишних данных. Одним из таких пунктов является очистка базы от таблиц принадлежащих несуществующим модулям, которые остались после перехода с drupal 6 на drupal7. Полный список таких модулей:

mbaev commented 7 years ago

$ drush en blogapi legacy page ping throttle upload watchdog DrupalRu birthdays boost buddylist_api buddylist_ui click2bookmark abuse watchlist advanced_help cacherouter flag flag_actions flag_abuse forum_access gmap gmap_location gmap_macro_builder google_plusone imagecache imagecache_ui imagecache_profiles inactive_user live_translation location location_user nodewords pearwiki_filter subscriptions subscriptions_blog_ui subscriptions_content subscriptions_mail subscriptions_taxonomy subscriptions_ui term_merge doublepost drublocks druid drush drush_pm drush_pm_cvs drush_pm_svn drush_pm_wget drush_sql drush_tools geshinode comment_upload googleanalytics jstools changelog mass_spam mibbit_irc sphinxsearch mollom no_anon og_access og recaptcha romka_bbcode samui sam_adaptive_menu site_network token_actions twitter twitter_actions user_relationships_api user_relationships_ui user_relationship_blocks user_relationship_defaults user_relationship_mailer video_filter csvfilter darcs darcs_apply darcs_commit image_filter site_map smartypants smileys taxonomy_browser weblink advuser autosave blockcache bloginfo bookmaker text_captcha codefilter comment_info comment_mover best_rated_tracker blocker drupalru-sessions diggthis ed_readmore extlink form_store googleajaxsearch google_appliance google_pr htmlcorrector lynx_site_info memcache memcache_admin minimenus mysite nodeaccess nodetype node_images quicktags recent_changes reptag rustemmer signature site_user_list spam textimage update_status url_replace_filter user2userpoints userpoints_cap userpoints_expire userpoints_nodelimit userpoints_reset userpoints_retroactive userpoints_role userpoints_transaction_tools userpoints userpoints_basic user_activity user_expertise user_interests vote_up_down votingapi whois wiki -y

No release history available for legacy 7.x. [error] No release history available for page 7.x. [error] No release history available for throttle 7.x. [error] No release history available for upload 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (watchdog). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (DrupalRu). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (buddylist_api). [error] No release history available for buddylist_ui 7.x. [error] No release history available for click2bookmark 7.x. [error] No release history available for abuse 7.x. [error] No release history available for watchlist 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (flag_actions). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (gmap_location). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (gmap_macro_builder). [error] No release history available for imagecache 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (imagecache_ui). [error] No release history available for live_translation 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (location_user). [error] No release history available for nodewords 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (subscriptions_blog_ui). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (subscriptions_content). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (subscriptions_mail). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (subscriptions_taxonomy). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (subscriptions_ui). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (doublepost). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drublocks). [error] No release history available for druid 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_pm). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_pm_cvs). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_pm_svn). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_pm_wget). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_sql). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drush_tools). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (geshinode). [error] No release history available for comment_upload 7.x. [error] No release history available for googleanalytics 7.x. [error] No release history available for jstools 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (changelog). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (mass_spam). [error] No release history available for mibbit_irc 7.x. [error] No release history available for sphinxsearch 7.x. [error] No release history available for no_anon 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (og_access). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (romka_bbcode). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (samui). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (sam_adaptive_menu). [error] No release history available for site_network 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (token_actions). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (twitter_actions). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user_relationships_api). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user_relationships_ui). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user_relationship_blocks). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user_relationship_defaults). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user_relationship_mailer). [error] No release history available for csvfilter 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (darcs). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (darcs_apply). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (darcs_commit). [error] No release history available for smartypants 7.x. [error] No release history available for smileys 7.x. [error] No release history available for taxonomy_browser 7.x. [error] No release history available for weblink 7.x. [error] No release history available for blockcache 7.x. [error] No release history available for bookmaker 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (text_captcha). [error] No release history available for comment_info 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (best_rated_tracker). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (drupalru-sessions). [error] No release history available for diggthis 7.x. [error] No release history available for ed_readmore 7.x. [error] No release history available for form_store 7.x. [error] No release history available for googleajaxsearch 7.x. [error] No release history available for htmlcorrector 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (lynx_site_info). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (memcache_admin). [error] No release history available for minimenus 7.x. [error] No release history available for mysite 7.x. [error] No release history available for nodetype 7.x. [error] No release history available for node_images 7.x. [error] No release history available for quicktags 7.x. [error] No release history available for recent_changes 7.x. [error] No release history available for reptag 7.x. [error] No release history available for signature 7.x. [error] No release history available for site_user_list 7.x. [error] No release history available for spam 7.x. [error] No release history available for update_status 7.x. [error] No release history available for url_replace_filter 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (user2userpoints). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_cap). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_expire). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_nodelimit). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_reset). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_retroactive). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_role). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_transaction_tools). [error] No release history was found for the requested project (userpoints_basic). [error] No release history available for user_activity 7.x. [error] No release history available for user_expertise 7.x. [error] No release history available for user_interests 7.x. [error] No release history available for wiki 7.x. [error] The following projects provide some or all of the extensions not found: [ok] blogapi ping birthdays boost advanced_help cacherouter flag flag_abuse forum_access gmap google_plusone imagecache_profiles inactive_user location pearwiki_filter subscriptions term_merge drush mollom og recaptcha twitter video_filter image_filter site_map advuser autosave bloginfo codefilter comment_mover blocker extlink google_appliance google_pr memcache nodeaccess rustemmer textimage userpoints vote_up_down votingapi whois Would you like to download them? (y/n): y Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/blogapi already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/blogapi already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): y Project blogapi (7.x-2.0-rc2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/blogapi. [success] Project blogapi contains 4 modules: blogapi_movabletype, blogapi_metaweblog, blogapi_blogger, blogapi. Project ping (7.x-1.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/ping. [success] Project birthdays (7.x-1.0-beta1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/birthdays. [success] Project birthdays contains 2 modules: birthdays_defaults, birthdays. Project boost (7.x-1.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/boost. [success] Project boost contains 2 modules: boost_crawler, boost. Project advanced_help (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/advanced_help. [success] Project advanced_help contains 2 modules: help_example, advanced_help. There are no stable releases for project cacherouter. [warning] Choose one of the available releases for cacherouter: [0] : Cancel
[1] : 7.x-1.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development 1 Project cacherouter (7.x-1.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/cacherouter. [success] Project flag (7.x-3.9) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag. [success] Project flag contains 3 modules: flag_bookmark, flag_actions, flag. Project flag_abuse (7.x-2.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/flag_abuse. [success] Project forum_access (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/forum_access. [success] Project gmap (7.x-2.11) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/gmap. [success] Project gmap contains 9 modules: location_gmap_find_address, gmap_test, gmap_fields, gmap_test_extended, gmap_style_bubbles, gmap_macro_builder, gmap_location, gmap_taxonomy, gmap. Project google_plusone (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/google_plusone. [success] Project imagecache_profiles (7.x-1.1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/imagecache_profiles. [success] Project inactive_user (7.x-1.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/inactive_user. [success] Project location (7.x-3.7) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/location. [success] Project location contains 14 modules: location_taxonomy, la, location_entity, location_phone, location_email, location_addanother, location_www, location_generate, location_fax, location_cck, location_search, location_node, location, location_user. Project pearwiki_filter (7.x-1.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/pearwiki_filter. [success] Project subscriptions (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/subscriptions. [success] Project subscriptions contains 6 modules: subscriptions_blog_ui, subscriptions_taxonomy, subscriptions_content, subscriptions_mail, subscriptions_ui, subscriptions. Project term_merge (7.x-1.4) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/term_merge. [success] There are no stable releases for project drush. [warning] Choose one of the available releases for drush: [0] : Cancel
[1] : 7.x-5.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development [2] : All-versions-4.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development [3] : 7.x-1.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development 1 Project drush (7.x-5.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/drush. [success] Project mollom (7.x-2.15) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/mollom. [success] Project og (7.x-2.9) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/og. [success] Project og contains 7 modules: og_access, og_ui, og_register, og_context, og_field_access, og_example, og. Project recaptcha (7.x-2.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/recaptcha. [success] Project twitter (7.x-5.11) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/twitter. [success] Project twitter contains 5 modules: twitter_post, twitter_last_tweet_field, twitter_actions, twitter_signin, twitter. Project video_filter (7.x-3.4) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/video_filter. [success] Project image_filter (7.x-1.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/image_filter. [success] Project site_map (7.x-1.3) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/site_map. [success] Project advuser (7.x-3.0-beta1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/advuser. [success] Project autosave (7.x-2.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/autosave. [success] Project bloginfo (7.x-1.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/bloginfo. [success] Project codefilter (7.x-1.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/codefilter. [success] Project codefilter contains 2 modules: codefilter_prism, codefilter. Project comment_mover (7.x-1.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/comment_mover. [success] Project blocker (7.x-1.1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/blocker. [success] Project blocker contains 2 modules: blocker_ui, blocker. Project extlink (7.x-1.18) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/extlink. [success] Project google_appliance (7.x-1.14) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/google_appliance. [success] Project google_pr (7.x-1.1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/google_pr. [success] Project memcache (7.x-1.6) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/memcache. [success] Project memcache contains 2 modules: memcache_admin, memcache. Project nodeaccess (7.x-1.4) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/nodeaccess. [success] Project rustemmer (7.x-1.0-rc1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/rustemmer. [success] Project textimage (7.x-3.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/textimage. [success] Project userpoints (7.x-1.1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/userpoints. [success] Project userpoints contains 3 modules: userpoints, userpoints_service, userpoints_rules. Project vote_up_down (7.x-2.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/vote_up_down. [success] Project vote_up_down contains 2 modules: vud_field, vud. Project votingapi (7.x-2.12) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/votingapi. [success] Project whois (7.x-1.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/whois. [success] legacy was not found. [warning] page was not found. [warning] throttle was not found. [warning] upload was not found. [warning] watchdog was not found. [warning] DrupalRu was not found. [warning] buddylist_api was not found. [warning] buddylist_ui was not found. [warning] click2bookmark was not found. [warning] abuse was not found. [warning] watchlist was not found. [warning] imagecache was not found. [warning] imagecache_ui was not found. [warning] live_translation was not found. [warning] nodewords was not found. [warning] doublepost was not found. [warning] drublocks was not found. [warning] druid was not found. [warning] drush was not found. [warning] drush_pm was not found. [warning] drush_pm_cvs was not found. [warning] drush_pm_svn was not found. [warning] drush_pm_wget was not found. [warning] drush_sql was not found. [warning] drush_tools was not found. [warning] geshinode was not found. [warning] comment_upload was not found. [warning] googleanalytics was not found. [warning] jstools was not found. [warning] changelog was not found. [warning] mass_spam was not found. [warning] mibbit_irc was not found. [warning] sphinxsearch was not found. [warning] no_anon was not found. [warning] romka_bbcode was not found. [warning] samui was not found. [warning] sam_adaptive_menu was not found. [warning] site_network was not found. [warning] token_actions was not found. [warning] user_relationships_api was not found. [warning] user_relationships_ui was not found. [warning] user_relationship_blocks was not found. [warning] user_relationship_defaults was not found. [warning] user_relationship_mailer was not found. [warning] csvfilter was not found. [warning] darcs was not found. [warning] darcs_apply was not found. [warning] darcs_commit was not found. [warning] smartypants was not found. [warning] smileys was not found. [warning] taxonomy_browser was not found. [warning] weblink was not found. [warning] blockcache was not found. [warning] bookmaker was not found. [warning] text_captcha was not found. [warning] comment_info was not found. [warning] best_rated_tracker was not found. [warning] drupalru-sessions was not found. [warning] diggthis was not found. [warning] ed_readmore was not found. [warning] form_store was not found. [warning] googleajaxsearch was not found. [warning] htmlcorrector was not found. [warning] lynx_site_info was not found. [warning] minimenus was not found. [warning] mysite was not found. [warning] nodetype was not found. [warning] node_images was not found. [warning] quicktags was not found. [warning] recent_changes was not found. [warning] reptag was not found. [warning] signature was not found. [warning] site_user_list was not found. [warning] spam was not found. [warning] update_status was not found. [warning] url_replace_filter was not found. [warning] user2userpoints was not found. [warning] userpoints_cap was not found. [warning] userpoints_expire was not found. [warning] userpoints_nodelimit was not found. [warning] userpoints_reset was not found. [warning] userpoints_retroactive was not found. [warning] userpoints_role was not found. [warning] userpoints_transaction_tools was not found. [warning] userpoints_basic was not found. [warning] user_activity was not found. [warning] user_expertise was not found. [warning] user_interests was not found. [warning] vote_up_down was not found. [warning] wiki was not found. [warning] The following projects provide some or all of the extensions not found: [ok] drush vote_up_down Would you like to download them? (y/n): y No release history available for oauth_common 7.x. [error] No release history was found for the requested project (imagecache_canvasactions). [error] The following projects have unmet dependencies: [ok] blogapi requires services flag_abuse requires views forum_access requires chain_menu_access, acl subscriptions_mail requires mail_edit term_merge requires entity og_access requires entityreference, entity og requires entityreference, entity textimage requires imagecache_actions Would you like to download them? (y/n): y There are no stable releases for project drush. [warning] Choose one of the available releases for drush: [0] : Cancel
[1] : 7.x-5.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development [2] : All-versions-4.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development [3] : 7.x-1.x-dev - 2013-Sep-30 - Development 1 Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/drush already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): y Project drush (7.x-5.x-dev) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/drush. [success] Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/vote_up_down already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): y Project vote_up_down (7.x-2.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/vote_up_down. [success] Project vote_up_down contains 2 modules: vud_field, vud. Project services (7.x-3.20) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/services. [success] Project services contains 4 modules: xmlrpc_server, rest_server, services_oauth, services. Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/views already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): y Project views (7.x-3.18) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/views. [success] Project views contains 2 modules: views, views_ui. Project chain_menu_access (7.x-2.0) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/chain_menu_access. [success] Project acl (7.x-1.1) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/acl. [success] Project mail_edit (7.x-1.2) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/mail_edit. [success] Install location /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n): y
Project entity (7.x-1.8) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity. [success] Project entity contains 2 modules: entity_token, entity.

Project entityreference (7.x-1.5) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/entityreference. [success] Project entityreference contains 2 modules: entityreference_behavior_example, entityreference. Project imagecache_actions (7.x-1.7) downloaded to /var/www/drupal.ru/sites/all/modules/contrib/imagecache_actions. [success] Project imagecache_actions contains 8 modules: imagecache_canvasactions, imagecache_coloractions, imagecache_autorotate, imagecache_customactions, image_styles_admin, image_effects_text_test, image_effects_text, imagecache_actions. legacy was not found. [warning] page was not found. [warning] throttle was not found. [warning] upload was not found. [warning] watchdog was not found. [warning] DrupalRu was not found. [warning] buddylist_api was not found. [warning] buddylist_ui was not found. [warning] click2bookmark was not found. [warning] abuse was not found. [warning] watchlist was not found. [warning] imagecache was not found. [warning] imagecache_ui was not found. [warning] live_translation was not found. [warning] nodewords was not found. [warning] doublepost was not found. [warning] drublocks was not found. [warning] druid was not found. [warning] drush was not found. [warning] drush_pm was not found. [warning] drush_pm_cvs was not found. [warning] drush_pm_svn was not found. [warning] drush_pm_wget was not found. [warning] drush_sql was not found. [warning] drush_tools was not found. [warning] geshinode was not found. [warning] comment_upload was not found. [warning] googleanalytics was not found. [warning] jstools was not found. [warning] changelog was not found. [warning] mass_spam was not found. [warning] mibbit_irc was not found. [warning] sphinxsearch was not found. [warning] no_anon was not found. [warning] romka_bbcode was not found. [warning] samui was not found. [warning] sam_adaptive_menu was not found. [warning] site_network was not found. [warning] token_actions was not found. [warning] user_relationships_api was not found. [warning] user_relationships_ui was not found. [warning] user_relationship_blocks was not found. [warning] user_relationship_defaults was not found. [warning] user_relationship_mailer was not found. [warning] csvfilter was not found. [warning] darcs was not found. [warning] darcs_apply was not found. [warning] darcs_commit was not found. [warning] smartypants was not found. [warning] smileys was not found. [warning] taxonomy_browser was not found. [warning] weblink was not found. [warning] blockcache was not found. [warning] bookmaker was not found. [warning] text_captcha was not found. [warning] comment_info was not found. [warning] best_rated_tracker was not found. [warning] drupalru-sessions was not found. [warning] diggthis was not found. [warning] ed_readmore was not found. [warning] form_store was not found. [warning] googleajaxsearch was not found. [warning] htmlcorrector was not found. [warning] lynx_site_info was not found. [warning] minimenus was not found. [warning] mysite was not found. [warning] nodetype was not found. [warning] node_images was not found. [warning] quicktags was not found. [warning] recent_changes was not found. [warning] reptag was not found. [warning] signature was not found. [warning] site_user_list was not found. [warning] spam was not found. [warning] update_status was not found. [warning] url_replace_filter was not found. [warning] user2userpoints was not found. [warning] userpoints_cap was not found. [warning] userpoints_expire was not found. [warning] userpoints_nodelimit was not found. [warning] userpoints_reset was not found. [warning] userpoints_retroactive was not found. [warning] userpoints_role was not found. [warning] userpoints_transaction_tools was not found. [warning] userpoints_basic was not found. [warning] user_activity was not found. [warning] user_expertise was not found. [warning] user_interests was not found. [warning] vote_up_down was not found. [warning] wiki was not found. [warning]

mbaev commented 7 years ago

2017-08-27 15 53 30-fullpage

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Выключить и удалить руками

Database logging Aggregator Field UI PHP filter Update manager SMTP Authentication Support Image CAPTCHA CSS CAPTCHA Gravatar

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Таблицы, были удалены автоматически:

mbaev commented 7 years ago

mysql> SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'drupal_ru_test' AND table_name IN ('drupal', 'legacy', 'page', 'ping', 'throttle', 'upload', 'watchdog', 'DrupalRu', 'birthdays', 'boost', 'buddylist_api', 'buddylist_ui', 'click2bookmark', 'abuse', 'watchlist', 'advanced_help', 'cacherouter', 'flag', 'flag_actions', 'flag_abuse', 'forum_access', 'gmap', 'gmap_location', 'gmap_macro_builder', 'google_plusone', 'imagecache', 'imagecache_ui', 'imagecache_profiles', 'inactive_user', 'live_translation', 'location', 'location_user', 'nodewords', 'pearwiki_filter', 'subscriptions', 'subscriptions_blog_ui', 'subscriptions_content', 'subscriptions_mail', 'subscriptions_taxonomy', 'subscriptions_ui', 'term_merge', 'doublepost', 'drublocks', 'druid', 'drush', 'drush_pm', 'drush_pm_cvs', 'drush_pm_svn', 'drush_pm_wget', 'drush_sql', 'drush_tools', 'geshinode', 'comment_upload', 'googleanalytics', 'jstools', 'changelog', 'mass_spam', 'mibbit_irc', 'sphinxsearch', 'mollom', 'no_anon', 'og_access', 'og', 'recaptcha', 'romka_bbcode', 'samui', 'sam_adaptive_menu', 'site_network', 'token_actions', 'twitter', 'twitter_actions', 'user_relationships_api', 'user_relationships_ui', 'user_relationship_blocks', 'user_relationship_defaults', 'user_relationship_mailer', 'video_filter', 'csvfilter', 'darcs', 'darcs_apply', 'darcs_commit', 'image_filter', 'site_map', 'smartypants', 'smileys', 'taxonomy_browser', 'weblink', 'advuser', 'autosave', 'blockcache', 'bloginfo', 'bookmaker', 'text_captcha', 'codefilter', 'comment_info', 'comment_mover', 'best_rated_tracker', 'blocker', 'drupalru-sessions', 'diggthis', 'ed_readmore', 'extlink', 'form_store', 'googleajaxsearch', 'google_appliance', 'google_pr', 'htmlcorrector', 'lynx_site_info', 'memcache', 'memcache_admin', 'minimenus', 'mysite', 'nodeaccess', 'nodetype', 'node_images', 'quicktags', 'recent_changes', 'reptag', 'rustemmer', 'signature', 'site_user_list', 'spam', 'textimage', 'update_status', 'url_replace_filter', 'user2userpoints', 'userpoints_cap', 'userpoints_expire', 'userpoints_nodelimit', 'userpoints_reset', 'userpoints_retroactive', 'userpoints_role', 'userpoints_transaction_tools', 'userpoints', 'userpoints_basic', 'user_activity', 'user_expertise', 'user_interests', 'vote_up_down', 'votingapi', 'whois', 'wiki'); +----------------------------+ | table_name | +----------------------------+ | abuse | | bookmaker | | click2bookmark | | comment_upload | | geshinode | | google_pr | | mysite | | node_images | | nodewords | | og | | sam_adaptive_menu | | smileys | | user_activity | | user_expertise | | user_relationship_blocks | | user_relationship_defaults | | weblink | +----------------------------+ 17 rows in set (0,00 sec)

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Исследование таблиц, возможных для удаления: abuse




geshinode не существует.






sam_adaptive_menu не существует






Еще есть таблицы, которые автоматически не определяются отсутствующими модулями, но для них нет модулей в системе: weblinks

И несколько таблиц, которые, видимо, просто бэкапировались и остались висеть без дела.

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Итого еще удалены таблицы:

Gormartsen commented 7 years ago

click2bookmark Не спеши удалять, там закладки что насохраняли но уже есть pr для миграции даных.

Regards, Gor Martsen @gormartsen

On Aug 27, 2017, at 9:17 AM, Maksim Baev notifications@github.com wrote:

Итого еще удалены таблицы:

abuse abuse_reasons abuse_status abuse_warnings bookmaker bookmaker_bets click2bookmark comment_upload geshinode google_pr mysite mysite_content mysite_data node_bak node_images node_revisions_bak nodewords nodewords_custom og og_ancestry og_uid sam_adaptive_menu smileys user_activity user_expertise user_relationship_blocks user_relationship_defaults user_relationship_types user_relationships weblink weblinks weblinks_node — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Ок, принято. В любом случае всё, что сейчас есть я забэкаплю и отложу в долгий ящик на сохранение. Так, что сможем вернуться в любой момент.

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Ещё таблицы, упоминания о которых нет в проекте.

awd-studio commented 7 years ago

Есть еще момент. Заключается в том, что модули могут не только добавлять свои таблицы, но и расширять своими столбцами существующие.

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Для этого будем тестить

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Количество таблиц сократилось с 301 до 176.

awd-studio commented 7 years ago

А в "весовых" плоскостях - легче стало? ))

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Сложно сказать. Я проделывал эти действия локально на "санитизированной" базе. Проделаем это на клоне прода и выясним. В будущем ещё можно будет очистить некоторые таблицы от несуществующих данных. Так например, в некоторых таблицах есть записи о нодах, комментах, юзерах, которых не существует.

awd-studio commented 7 years ago

В идеале - почистить бы от "мертвых" ТОПов, и юзеров-однодневок... Только такие действия нужно обосновать в правилах.

mbaev commented 7 years ago

Очистка выполнена и прошла без ошибок.