Drutol / MALClient

Not so small client app for Myanimelist.net - Windows 10 UWP & Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
352 stars 32 forks source link

Calendar & Tiles -> Next update #22

Closed Drutol closed 8 years ago

Drutol commented 8 years ago

This week comes to an end... thank god!

Next update (which will probably go live next week depending on how my assignment goes) is going to feature:

My question is: What do you want to add to Calendar and/or tiles?

Drutol commented 8 years ago

WIP Popup window with tile pinning: image

ZeroOmar commented 8 years ago

is the live tile tile option only for pining certain anime to the start screen ? not for the main app ?

if not The main app live tile should show the "MALClient" icon on one side and the other side shows the profile status like number of watched, completed anime or recent activity or upcoming anime

when you get that support me button working I'll support you every day ^_^

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Right now I'm planning to release tiles for single anime series after this weekend.

I gotta have something to work on for next update, right? ^^ (app tile + more search filters are planned + maybe new telemetry... I'm running out of stuff to do...)

With tiles update this button should work as I've ditched Microdoft "ads" and used different provider, we will see how this works soon enough :)

Drutol commented 8 years ago

One more thing wp_ss_20160521_0001

Swipe to increment/decrement, gonna be useful imo :)

ZeroOmar commented 8 years ago

yes, very useful

and one more thing: can you show the reload button in the bottom bar instead of behind the 3 dot menu ? so it will be 1 click to reload instead of 2 clicks

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Probably, but I don't know how will this command bar behave when there's not enough space... brb ^^

ZeroOmar commented 8 years ago

it can fit up to 5 icons like dropbox and my phone have a low resolution so it should be fine wp_ss_20160521_0001

Drutol commented 8 years ago

I'll enable it on library and top pages, seasonal will have calendar icon instead... just in case xd

And with that mobile update is completed.

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Would you like to test those upcoming builds so I won't have to worry too much? ^^

ZeroOmar commented 8 years ago

yeah sure

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Okay, I'll upload something tommorow :)

Drutol commented 8 years ago

So, preview versions for Mobile: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C8FF5587AF40716D!253418&authkey=!AAbbQ283aNwLSDM&ithint=file%2crar Desktop x64: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C8FF5587AF40716D!253419&authkey=!AD-y-VWFw_3dTAo&ithint=file%2crar

Desktop one can be installed via PowerShell script inside, Mobile one through device portal (Settings->For developers).

They seem to work... "works on my machine" badge kind of thing. Try to break it :D (Changelog in about tab)

Edit: Just noticed that ads are now looping for some reason... ignore this bug ;d

ZeroOmar commented 8 years ago

I've tested both versions here is the results:

Mobile version:

Desktop Version:

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot!

Drutol commented 8 years ago

And off they went to certification!

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Ehh, there are problems with ads in production... again. If they won't work now I'll ditch them altogether. Let me know how they perform.

Drutol commented 8 years ago

Update has just passed certification, should be available shortly. :)