Drutol / MALClient

Not so small client app for Myanimelist.net - Windows 10 UWP & Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
352 stars 32 forks source link

Android binaries! #88

Closed Drutol closed 7 years ago

Drutol commented 7 years ago

Here it is! First and last android build (in 2016)! Prepare yourself for wild ride of unstable everything and bleeding eyes because of crappy UI!

Apk - v0.0.3.0 12.03.2017 https://rink.hockeyapp.net/apps/4bfd20dcd9ba4bdfbb1501397ec4a176/app_versions/3

LogIn is the least polished because I finished it today ^^

There are tons of bugs that I know about, and couple tons more of bugs that I don't know about. Some things aren't hooked up to the logic yet, some things work but don't have final UI and just raw buttons here and there.


You can see where is it going, the point of this build is to alter it's direction a bit and discuss android specific stuff. Feel free to create wish lists even though it's not Christmas anymore...

Enjoy... your suffering...

Kimod commented 7 years ago

I always try to stay in hope, but end up in despair.... heh...

Anyway, here is what I came up with, a lot of explaining and confusing pics ahead! http://puu.sh/t7HP7.png

So here we have the flyouts, ehh, where should I start? I noticed that all flyouts across the android system (or maybe just google apps and a few others...) have the same font and margins, I used as an example flyout from app "BaconReader" (in pic the flyout number 2). So ehm, aren't there like 'stock flyouts' everybody should use? These ones have shadow (yours doesn't, I know, a big problem), if they don't fit, you can scroll in them and have a slick animation.

I also moved the dots to that place where tags are, this is just an idea, I don't know, how you want to have the windows and android app similar, but I prefer it this way.

And here we have second thing, http://puu.sh/t7IcV.png the bottom bar, maybe you just didn't came around to finish this bar, but bottom bars in calendar/files manager have the icons centered and the description bellow them.

And I feel like you should replace every refresh button with swipe down.......

Drutol commented 7 years ago

@Kimod @FoxInFlame @sinofanger

I've felt like pushing next build on a whim, still alpha but not as deep as previously. Not all what is visible is hooked-up yet (especially forums which are half-done) and UI is still rough.

Anyway, this is a progress made in 1,5 month :)

Kimod commented 7 years ago

I still hate the flyouts... I don't know how you can bear with them -.-

All in all I love the progress you've made! ^^ Feels a lot more robust than before, hope it will be better and better from now on. It crashed two times when I tried to access general settings, but I think that crash report reached you.

I can't find 'Enable swipe to increment/decrement on grid items.' in settings and I think it was there in the first version. I still won't make a list of improvements I would suggest, because it would simply still be too large.

And image loading in anime list when scrolling could use some improvement, if I can be picky :^) (yeah I have to stop, I know you know.......)

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I love my flyouts, but there is less of them ^^

Yeah, alpha is alpha, there's no point in creating huge lists of bugs.

Do you mean these placeholders while scrolling?

FoxInFlame commented 7 years ago

Good afternoon. I decided to post my feedback here as a comment instead of its own post.

"Another couple of things I noticed about MALClient". I know that you won't fix some of them until later in development. It's just the things that I noticed within the first 3 minutes of using the app. https://imgur.com/a/n4I9L

I envy you for having so much time to work on these things.... Being young is just tough (with homework and tasks and whatnot)...

Drutol commented 7 years ago


Hah, I only have some spare time on weekends to be honest. University, work + Spanish&Japanese are taking toll on android progress. It's going to get even worse I presume... ;d

FoxInFlame commented 7 years ago

Well, you're doing a great job already. What does QoL stand for? Android and Images... I don't know much about Android development, but images are hard on any device. :9

Good luck. Let's see if you can decypher this. 頑張れ、諦めるなドゥルートル!笑

Drutol commented 7 years ago


This is me

and here you are laughing with evil intent probably I know only around 200 kanji so the remaining three are yet to be discovered :D

QoL => Quality Of Life

Images are easy on UWP like, literally no effort and they work buttery smooth ^^

FoxInFlame commented 7 years ago

Ah. 200 probably wouldn't be enough for a normal sentence yet. But great, you know your name. I was laughing with evil intent, but that wasn't what the character stood for. :) It was just a simple "lol". I'll leave the other three for you to find later, but you're not going to find anything by decyphering it, it only says "Good luck, don't give up, drutol lol".

QoL. I love my QoL. Isn't this just read kuu-ol, like Quality?

Images on the Web are a tad bit crispy-bread rough to cope with. Well, I hope you keep on developing on Android, I need a client which can PM people.

Drutol commented 7 years ago

I'll slowly get there.. かな xd

I'm reading this as "kłol" which is most certainly wrong (idk whether you know "ł" letter), yours should be closer.

Next version which will be beta hopefully should be feature complete but we are now like 66% done now, then UI&QoL fight will begin and finally off to the store... Fortunately there won't be much "hard logic" bugs but only UI ones. Still at least 2 months = 8 weekends ;d

FoxInFlame commented 7 years ago

Is it..... Done?

Drutol commented 7 years ago

What a watchful little fox xd

FoxInFlame commented 7 years ago

My entire face is bigger than your small square, according to our profile pictures.

Is it done? I can't seem to find it on the Play Store... :(

Drutol commented 7 years ago

See #118