Drutol / RaidOps

EPGP , Bidding and Loot Distribution addons for WildStar.
GNU General Public License v2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Current plan #211

Closed Drutol closed 9 years ago

Drutol commented 9 years ago

Sooo , there are 2 big and 2 small things on the horizon...:

This is what comes to my mind as of now. What's your view?

Drutol commented 9 years ago

I have a very nifty concept for separate ML addon (imo) , more info soon. Entering design mode.

Aeotoc commented 9 years ago

I'm excited to see it.

Drutol commented 9 years ago

I'll share it as soon as I've working prototype , I'm currently on the third iteration of UI ^^

Drutol commented 9 years ago

Soo... this is my idea for Master Loot addon: (it's just a prototype) image

When loot appears , items will be present in the:

Instead of : select Item -> select Looter -> press the button I want to drag&drop items to recipients and when you are done , start shipping loot to happy recipients :D.

This is the core concept , there's a TON of stuff to do. Probably a week worth of time ;d

What do you think?

Hysteriana commented 9 years ago

@Raid Summaries : i kinda like the attendance feature to determine the priority on who may sit on the waiting list. or to make it a factor on loot distribution, like consider it into the PR.

@Master Loot : i like it fast and simple.. assigning loot waste quite some time. i like the random pool idea. im not sure about the drag and drop, sounds like mistakes waiting to happen :)

@Website: id like something like a account system: different logins with different permissions also a log would be nice, who uploaded/downloaded what when, who did a edit and what.

Drutol commented 9 years ago
Larnen commented 9 years ago

@Raid Summaries: Well I'm biased as I suggested it, but its there to fix a specific problem. We have 2 types of raiders, and one of the distinctions between them is that one group makes a commitment to a certain attendance level. This helps in planning and ensuring that we don't over-recruit. It can also, as Hysteriana said, be helpful if you need to make a decision between who to bench - someone who has been a regular may be given priority over someone with very low attendance. At the moment in order to do this I'd have to go to something like Wildstar Logs for each raid as far back as I want and enter it all into a spreadsheet. One of the things that makes RaidOps so great is that it eliminates spreadsheets. Plus you have all the data about who was in each run already there (or if not it could be added with a stub log entry or the like). In terms of how to implement it, itd be great to simply have a report that lets you choose 'Last X Raids', 'Last X Days' or 'Selected Raids' and then just run days attended/days max. This is definitely something I need to do and something I used a lot in the RaidBuilder web based system I used in Wow until about 2010.

@Master Loot: Nice to have but for me a functionality sidegrade versus something new. If you could build in Not Now Master Loot and make it resizeable (I still cant resize the RaidOps one for some reason) that'd be good. I'd love to see wildcard whitelists for auto assign so that just happens on its own. Eg "Sign of *" gets randomly assigned with no loot logs etc although thats not a big deal.

@Website: I quite like the website as is. Accounts may be useful so I can give other Officers the ability to upload and see who did and when. Generally though I love the website although there are some cosmetic tweaks that would be good to make it more sparkly :) But the functionality is solid at the moment.

Drutol commented 9 years ago
Drutol commented 9 years ago

I need somebody to go to GA/DS and type this in chat:

local tMap = GameLib.GetCurrentZoneMap() for k , id in pairs(tMap) do Print(k .. " " .. id) end

Take a screenshot of chat window and post it here. :)

Going to different floors would be helpful as i don't know how the results will change.

EDIT : Halfway through attendance...

Hysteriana commented 9 years ago

you forgot to mention that you have to write /eval first. or your guild mates will give you a weird look :) but google is my friend :D


Drutol commented 9 years ago

thanks , sorry for this /eval ^^

Drutol commented 9 years ago

So what I have now:

What I need:

What I'll do tommorow:

I'm going to name this raid Y-something , I'm not gonna google it xd

Drutol commented 9 years ago


What do you think?

Hysteriana commented 9 years ago

looks good. lucky I have a wide screen monitor :-D

gesendet vom Handy. Autolorektur hat Schuld :)

Drutol commented 9 years ago

There're 8 labels in total but you don't have to display all of them. I'm now adding attandance grid to website.

Drutol commented 9 years ago

Attendance update is live on curse. It's rather big so let the issues start flood :)

Hysteriana commented 9 years ago

y-83 : there you go:


Drutol commented 9 years ago

Raid Summaries So , we have been discussing them in context of attendance. With v2.16 I'll be pushing window with the list of raids with 2 buttons:

Is there anything else you would like to see added as we are entering "nice but useless" zone and I'm wondering where I should stop?

There'll be separate update for website with the same features.

Drutol commented 9 years ago

How does it work? Assistant has to set up new account , log in , go to guild's page. In controls there will be button to apply for assistant role. Once he/she does this guild owner has to go to this page open "Review assistants" window and Accept (or reject) applicant. Once approved , assistant can do everything but guild removal and assistant management.

Please report any odd behaviour.

Renira commented 9 years ago

So far, the only issue I've seen with attendance deals with those characters that may switch between alts/mains for the duration of the raid. We've had some members from time to time change out mid-raid depending on our needs. :) Besides that, attendance and raid summary are both looking good!

Drutol commented 9 years ago

You're right , I've forgotten about them. I'll do something with them in next update.

Edit: With 2.20 all alt names will be converted to main's name. + This is probably the reason for either multiple attendances credited to one player or lack of certain players due to not reaching time threshold. So much stuff overlaps that it's hard to keep track.

Drutol commented 9 years ago

New Current plan issue posted.