Dtcreation / Firmware-Molise-Artillery

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[BUG] BLTouch error M999 #120

Closed KatyPurry closed 2 years ago

KatyPurry commented 2 years ago

Did you test the latest bugfix-2.0.x code?

Yes, and the problem still exists.

Bug Description


I tried to update my Molise firmware today with 3.0.3 version. My setup:

When I compile I habe 2 errors:

Marlin\src\inc\Warnings.cpp:179:4: warning: #warning "Auto-assigned Z2 STEP/DIR/ENABLE_PINs to unused En_STEP/DIR/ENABLE_PINs." [-Wcpp]
   #warning "Auto-assigned Z2 STEP/DIR/ENABLE_PINs to unused En_STEP/DIR/ENABLE_PINs."
Marlin\src\inc\Warnings.cpp:554:4: warning: #warning "Disabled CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING because the target usually has less flash storage. Define FORCE_CONFIG_EMBED to override." [-Wcpp]
   #warning "Disabled CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING because the target usually has less flash storage. Define FORCE_CONFIG_EMBED to override."

When I'm trying to do an bed leveling, probe goes in / out 2 times, flash red and I have an error: STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

My marlin configuration:

/*** Section 1 Artillery Printer ***/

#define GENIUS
//#define X1
//#define GENIUSPRO
//#define SWD_X2
//#define HORNET

/*** Section 2 Board Type ***/

#define MKSGENL         // Stock Board for Genuis and X1
//#define RUBY            // Stock Board for Genuis Pro, X2 and Hornet
//#define MKSGENLV21      // Choose this if you are using MKS GEN L V2.1
//#define SKR13           // Choose this if you are using BigTreeTech SKR 1.3
//#define SKR14           // Choose this if you are using BigTreeTech SKR 1.4
//#define SKR14T          // Choose this if you are using BigTreeTech SKR 1.4 Turbo
//#define MKSSGENLV1      // Choose this if you are using MKS SGEN L V1
//#define MKSSGENLV2      // Choose this if you are using MKS SGEN L V2
//#define MKSROBINNANOV3  // Choose this if you are using MKS ROBIN NANO V3

/*default_envs in Platformio.ini :
-Board name: MKS GEN L, change_value = mega2560 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value mega2560
-Board name: RUBY, change_value = Artillery_Ruby //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value Artillery_Ruby
-Board name: MKS GEN L V2.1, change_value = mega2560 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value mega2560
-Board name: SKR13, change_value = LPC1768 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value LPC1768
-Board name: SKR14, change_value = LPC1768 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value LPC1768
-Board name: SKRV14TURBO, change_value = LPC1769 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value LPC1769
-Board name: MKSSGENLV1, change_value = LPC1768 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value LPC1768
-Board name: MKSSGENLV2, change_value = LPC1769 //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value LPC1769
-Board name: MKSROBINNANOV3, change_value = mks_robin_nano_v3_usb_flash_drive_msc //use this value in platform.ini. Search for 'change_value' and replace it with this value mks_robin_nano_v3_usb_flash_drive_msc

/*** Section 3 Extruder Type ***/

#define TITAN       // Stock Extruder
//#define BMG         // Choose this if you are using BMG/BMG Wind
//#define HEMERA      // Choose this if you are using HEMERA
//#define MATRIX      // Choose this if you are using MATRIX

/*** Section 4 Drivers Type ***/

//#define TMC_2100        // Stock Drivers
//#define TMC_2208_STA    // Standalone Mode
#define TMC_2209_STA    // Standalone Mode
//#define LV_8729
//#define TMC_2208        // UART Mode
//#define TMC_2209        // UART Mode

/*** Section 5 Bed Leveling ***/

#define BLTOUCH      //uncomment if you use a BLTouch
  #ifdef BLTOUCH
    #ifdef RUBY
  #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 28, -33, 0 }         //Offset preset for this fanduct : Sidewinder X1 Waggster Mod BLTouch with improved Fan Duct  by 3dprintbeginnercom on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3972011
  //#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 27.25, -12.8, -2 }   //Offset preset for stock X2 and Genius Pro
  //#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -17, -42, 0 }        //Offset preset for this fanduct with 5015 Fan on Thingiverse : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4741530
  //#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 56, -34, 0 }         //Offset preset for this fanduct with 5015 Fan on Thingiverse : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4548854
  //#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 36, -38, 0 }         //Offset preset for BMG Wind for this fanduct : Sidewinder X1 Waggster Mod BLTouch with improved Fan Duct  by 3dprintbeginnercom on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3972011
  //#define WAGGSTER_MOD_WIRING                       //Comment if you don't use Waggster mode on Sidewinder (Guero Loco method by exemple) Mod needed for Genius standard wiring
  #define Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN                    //Uncomment if you want to use Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN, be carefull, you need to remove the belt from the Z axes for this - NOT FOR ARTILLERY RUBY
  //#define DISABLE_LED                             // Uncomment to disable LED, some users report compatibilty issues with BL Touch and LED enabled

//#define ZMIN_SENSOR_AS_PROBE                      //uncomment to use Z min as Probe for bed leveling (incompatible with BLTouch)
    #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 28, -33, 0 }   

//#define TOUCH_MI_PROBE                            //uncomment if you use a Touch Mi
    #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -43, -32, 0 }  //Offset preset for this fanduct : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4713319
    #define TOUCH_MI_RETRACT_Z 0.5                  // Height at which the probe retracts
    //#define TOUCH_MI_DEPLOY_XPOS (X_MAX_BED + 2)  // For a magnet on the right side of the bed
    //#define TOUCH_MI_MANUAL_DEPLOY                // For manual deploy (LCD menu)
    //#define Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN                    //Uncomment if you want to use Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN, be carefull, you need to remove the belt from the Z axes for this - NOT FOR ARTILLERY RUBY
    //#define TOUCH_MI_LED                          // Uncomment if you have the additional LED from Hotends.fr for the X1
    #define TOUCH_MI_NEOPIXEL                      // Uncomment if you have the additional Neopixel LED from Hotends.fr

//#define MESH_BED_LEVELING                         //uncomment if you want to use Mesh Bed Leveling

/*** Section 6 Options ***/

//#define GraphicalLCD                              // Will work next to MKS TFT
//#define MKSGENL_TFT                               // To be activated if you have deported the TFT connection to EXP1 on the MKS Gen L ==> communication speed : 250000
//#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR                    // If you connect your filament runout sensor to the motherboard instead of the TFT
//#define NEOPIXEL_PERSO                            // If you want to use a personal Neopixel LED on the Neopixel Port
//#define LED_PORT_NEOPIXEL                         // If you want to use a personal Neopixel LED on the original LED Port
//#define LINEAR_ADV                                // If you want to use Linear Advance

/*** Section 7 Sensorless Homing XY ***/

//#define SENSHOME                                  // Active sensorless homing ONLY for TMC 2208 UART and 2009 UART with SKR 1.3 (extra wiring needed) and SKR 1.4 (no extra wiring needed)

Any idea why it fails ? I never had this problem before.

UPDATE : probe goes in / out without problem, but if flashes red.

SckyzO commented 2 years ago

Warning compilation are not an issue. Just a warning

STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999 : 99% of the time it is a BLTouch connection problem