Duankaiwen / CenterNet

Codes for our paper "CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection" .
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RuntimeError: invalid argument 5: k not in range for dimension #131

Open WuChannn opened 4 years ago

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen hello, kaiwen

when i test my test dataset using my own trained model, i met with this problem, and the following is my log:

cfg_file: config/CenterNet-52.json loading all datasets... split: test loading from cache file: cache/ks_test.pkl loading annotations into memory... Done (t=1.83s) creating index... index created! system config... {'batch_size': 3, 'cache_dir': 'cache', 'chunk_sizes': [3], 'config_dir': 'config', 'data_dir': './data', 'data_rng': <mtrand.RandomState object at 0x7ff5fa1b58b8>, 'dataset': 'KS', 'decay_rate': 10, 'display': 50, 'learning_rate': 0.00025, 'max_iter': 480000, 'nnet_rng': <mtrand.RandomState object at 0x7ff5fa1b5900>, 'opt_algo': 'adam', 'prefetch_size': 6, 'pretrain': None, 'result_dir': 'results', 'sampling_function': 'kp_detection', 'snapshot': 5000, 'snapshot_name': 'CenterNet-52', 'stepsize': 450000, 'test_split': 'test', 'train_split': 'train', 'val_iter': 100, 'val_split': 'test', 'weight_decay': False, 'weight_decay_rate': 1e-05, 'weight_decay_type': 'l2'} db config... {'ae_threshold': 0.5, 'border': 128, 'categories': 6, 'data_aug': True, 'gaussian_bump': True, 'gaussian_iou': 0.7, 'gaussian_radius': -1, 'input_size': [511, 511], 'kp_categories': 1, 'lighting': True, 'max_per_image': 100, 'merge_bbox': False, 'nms_algorithm': 'exp_soft_nms', 'nms_kernel': 3, 'nms_threshold': 0.5, 'output_sizes': [[128, 128]], 'rand_color': True, 'rand_crop': True, 'rand_pushes': False, 'rand_samples': False, 'rand_scale_max': 1.4, 'rand_scale_min': 0.6, 'rand_scale_step': 0.1, 'rand_scales': array([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]), 'special_crop': False, 'test_scales': [0.5], 'top_k': 5, 'weight_exp': 8} loading parameters at iteration: 5000 building neural network... module_file: models.CenterNet-52 total parameters: 104787098 loading parameters... loading model from cache/nnet/CenterNet-52/CenterNet-52_5000.pkl locating kps: 0%| | 0/2772 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/root/data/anaconda2/envs/CenterNet/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/upsampling.py:122: UserW arning: nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead. warnings.warn("nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.")

Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 94, in test(testing_db, args.split, args.testiter, args.debug, args.suffix) File "test.py", line 61, in test testing(db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 321, in testing return globals()[system_configs.sampling_function](db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 129, in kp_detection dets, center = decode_func(nnet, images, K, ae_threshold=ae_threshold, kernel=nms_kernel) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 54, in kp_decode detections, center = nnet.test([images], ae_threshold=ae_threshold, K=K, kernel=kernel) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/nnet/py_factory.py", line 114, in test return self.model(*xs, kwargs) File "/root/data/anaconda2/envs/CenterNet/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 477, in call result = self.forward(*input, *kwargs) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/nnet/py_factory.py", line 32, in forward return self.module(xs, kwargs) File "/root/data/anaconda2/envs/CenterNet/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 477, in call result = self.forward(*input, kwargs) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/models/py_utils/kp.py", line 290, in forward return self._test(*xs, *kwargs) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/models/py_utils/kp.py", line 285, in _test return self._decode(outs[-8:], kwargs) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/models/py_utils/kp_utils.py", line 148, in _decode scores, inds = torch.topk(scores, num_dets) RuntimeError: invalid argument 5: k not in range for dimension at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1532581333611/work/aten/src/THC/generic/THCTensorTopK.c u:21

I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank u

Duankaiwen commented 4 years ago

@WuChannn 'num_dets' should be less than or equal to 'top_k' * 'top_k'

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen Hello, kaiwen. I change top_k to 6, and num_dets in the follwing code is 8, however the num of predicted center points is 0. def _decode( tl_heat, br_heat, tl_tag, br_tag, tl_regr, br_regr, ct_heat, ct_regr, K=100, kernel=1, ae_threshold=1, num_dets=8 ):

and the full log is:

cfg_file: config/CenterNet-52.json [6/1884] loading all datasets... split: test loading from cache file: cache/ks_test.pkl loading annotations into memory... Done (t=1.75s) creating index... index created! system config... {'batch_size': 3, 'cache_dir': 'cache', 'chunk_sizes': [3], 'config_dir': 'config', 'data_dir': './data', 'data_rng': <mtrand.RandomState object at 0x7fec9843c8b8>, 'dataset': 'KS', 'decay_rate': 10, 'display': 50, 'learning_rate': 0.00025, 'max_iter': 480000, 'nnet_rng': <mtrand.RandomState object at 0x7fec9843c900>, 'opt_algo': 'adam', 'prefetch_size': 6, 'pretrain': None, 'result_dir': 'results', 'sampling_function': 'kp_detection', 'snapshot': 5000, 'snapshot_name': 'CenterNet-52', 'stepsize': 450000, 'test_split': 'test', 'train_split': 'train', 'val_iter': 100, 'val_split': 'test', 'weight_decay': False, 'weight_decay_rate': 1e-05, 'weight_decay_type': 'l2'} db config... {'ae_threshold': 0.5, 'border': 128, 'categories': 6, 'data_aug': True, 'gaussian_bump': True, 'gaussian_iou': 0.7, 'gaussian_radius': -1, 'input_size': [511, 511], 'kp_categories': 1, 'lighting': True, 'max_per_image': 100, 'merge_bbox': False, 'nms_algorithm': 'exp_soft_nms', 'nms_kernel': 3, 'nms_threshold': 0.5, 'output_sizes': [[128, 128]], 'rand_color': True, 'rand_crop': True, 'rand_pushes': False, 'rand_samples': False, 'rand_scale_max': 1.4, 'rand_scale_min': 0.6, 'rand_scale_step': 0.1, 'rand_scales': array([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]), 'special_crop': False, 'test_scales': [0.5], 'top_k': 6, 'weight_exp': 8} loading parameters at iteration: 5000 building neural network... module_file: models.CenterNet-52 total parameters: 104787098 loading parameters... loading model from cache/nnet/CenterNet-52/CenterNet-52_5000.pkl locating kps: 0%| | 0/2772 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/root/data/anaconda2/envs/CenterNet/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/upsampling.py:122: UserW arning: nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead. warnings.warn("nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.")

Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 94, in test(testing_db, args.split, args.testiter, args.debug, args.suffix) File "test.py", line 61, in test testing(db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 321, in testing return globals()[system_configs.sampling_function](db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 152, in kp_detection center_points = np.concatenate(center_points, axis=1) ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate

Duankaiwen commented 4 years ago

@WuChannn Comment out line 147 in test/coco.py

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen Thanks a lot. Hope to help others.

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen Hello, kaiwen.

When I try to test with my own images with my trained model, I always get nothing in the saved images and results.json. I print out the result of decode_func() function in line129 in test/coco.py, and I get:

dets: [[[ 3.2349873e+01  6.6429825e+01  1.5968109e+02  2.2367534e+02
    4.6260887e-01  4.7123554e-01  4.5398217e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 3.2349873e+01  6.6429825e+01  1.3143454e+02  2.2368355e+02
    4.1034997e-01  4.7123554e-01  3.4946439e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 3.2349873e+01  6.6429825e+01  1.5440904e+02  2.2367509e+02
    4.0282422e-01  4.7123554e-01  3.3441293e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 8.8468765e+01  6.0515965e+01  1.5968109e+02  2.2367534e+02
   -1.0000000e+00  4.9183124e-01  4.5398217e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 8.8468765e+01  6.0515965e+01  5.4405136e+01  2.2369923e+02
   -1.0000000e+00  4.9183124e-01  3.7416297e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 8.8468765e+01  6.0515965e+01  1.3143454e+02  2.2368355e+02
   -1.0000000e+00  4.9183124e-01  3.4946439e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 8.8468765e+01  6.0515965e+01  1.5968109e+02  2.2367534e+02
   -1.0000000e+00  4.9183124e-01  4.1429698e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 8.8468765e+01  6.0515965e+01  4.5412842e+01  2.2369164e+02
   -1.0000000e+00  4.9183124e-01  3.3460695e-01  3.0000000e+00]]

 [[ 1.8584467e-03  7.0376465e+01  7.1446548e+01  2.2367661e+02
    4.0953285e-01  3.7950289e-01  4.3956283e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 6.4745412e+00  5.5450581e+01  1.5968164e+02  2.2367366e+02
    3.9658430e-01  3.5217959e-01  4.4098902e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 6.4745412e+00  5.5450581e+01  7.1446548e+01  2.2367661e+02
    3.9587122e-01  3.5217959e-01  4.3956283e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 2.7386642e+01  7.0421577e+01  1.5968164e+02  2.2367366e+02
    3.9371496e-01  3.4644091e-01  4.4098902e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 2.7386642e+01  7.0421577e+01  7.1446548e+01  2.2367661e+02
    3.9300185e-01  3.4644091e-01  4.3956283e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 1.8584467e-03  7.0376465e+01  6.2447205e+01  2.2368639e+02
    3.8339013e-01  3.7950289e-01  3.8727733e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 1.8584467e-03  7.0376465e+01  8.8428604e+01  2.2368767e+02
    3.8202363e-01  3.7950289e-01  3.8454437e-01  3.0000000e+00]
  [ 1.8584467e-03  7.0376465e+01  1.2541402e+02  2.2366917e+02
    3.8006711e-01  3.7950289e-01  3.8063130e-01  3.0000000e+00]]]
center: [[[1.2947668e+02 1.1746306e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.6965330e-01]
  [1.2948651e+02 1.2747198e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.6731572e-01]
  [1.2948158e+02 1.2247352e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.5981433e-01]
  [1.2949446e+02 1.4548326e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.5187018e-01]
  [1.2950827e+02 1.0249621e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.5074971e-01]
  [1.2948874e+02 1.6947191e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.4942038e-01]]

 [[1.3146968e+02 1.2945517e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.7543328e-01]
  [1.3248714e+02 1.4547208e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.7366149e-01]
  [1.3247891e+02 1.3347208e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.7068261e-01]
  [1.3147018e+02 1.0245686e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.6493557e-01]
  [1.3248189e+02 1.1647341e+02 3.0000000e+00 1.6448633e-01]
  [1.3147867e+02 9.6464920e+01 3.0000000e+00 1.5871526e-01]]]

could you please give a brief explanation for each element in the vector? and I would like to know why the last elem in dets and the third elem in center are always 3.

I also print out detections before valid_ind = detections[:,4]> -1, I got the fifth elem always be -1, so the valid_detections should be [] after valid_ind = detections[:,4]> -1, then I get noting in the result and there is an IndexError in the Traceback.

detections: [[ 1.22197296e+02 2.34422729e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.71235543e-01 4.53982174e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 1.22197296e+02 2.34422729e+02 5.17916687e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.71235543e-01 3.49464387e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 1.22197296e+02 2.34422729e+02 6.09671082e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.71235543e-01 3.34412932e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46322113e+02 2.10793686e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.91831243e-01 4.53982174e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46322113e+02 2.10793686e+02 2.10280502e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.91831243e-01 3.74162972e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46322113e+02 2.10793686e+02 5.17916687e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.91831243e-01 3.49464387e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46322113e+02 2.10793686e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.91831243e-01 4.14296985e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46322113e+02 2.10793686e+02 1.74367523e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 4.91831243e-01 3.34606946e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46660339e+02 2.50191681e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.79502892e-01 4.39562827e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 1.90554764e+02 6.06142273e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.52179587e-01 4.40989017e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46660339e+02 1.90554764e+02 6.06142273e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.52179587e-01 4.39562827e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 2.50371918e+02 5.22624573e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.46440911e-01 4.40989017e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.46660339e+02 2.50371918e+02 5.22624573e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.46440911e-01 4.39562827e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 3.82601471e+02 2.50191681e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.79502892e-01 3.87277335e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 2.78838257e+02 2.50191681e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.79502892e-01 3.84544373e-01 3.00000000e+00] [ 1.31127762e+02 2.50191681e+02 6.24000000e+02 8.32000000e+02 -1.00000000e+00 3.79502892e-01 3.80631298e-01 3.00000000e+00]]

Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 94, in <module> test(testing_db, args.split, args.testiter, args.debug, args.suffix) File "test.py", line 61, in test testing(db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 327, in testing return globals()[system_configs.sampling_function](db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 323, in kp_detection db.evaluate(result_json, cls_ids, image_ids) File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/db/ks.py", line 173, in evaluate coco_dets = coco.loadRes(result_json) File "data/coco/PythonAPI/pycocotools/coco.py", line 318, in loadRes if 'caption' in anns[0]: IndexError: list index out of range

look forwars to your reply, thanks a lot.

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

The situation happened mainly due to the wrong ground truth: (x, y, w, h), not (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Duankaiwen commented 4 years ago

1.'top_k' maybe too small.

  1. how much iter does your model train? 3.. the class number in your own dataset should start from 1.
  2. modify some codes in line 48 in db/coco.py to adapt to your own dataset.
Duankaiwen commented 4 years ago

@WuChannn Oh,I see

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen Hello, kaiwen

Actually, I wanna know whether 'kp_detection' means key point detection? and why "kp_categories" is set to 1 in CenterNet-xx.json?

Also where to find 'db.class_name' definition in 'cat_name = db.class_name(j)' in test/coco.py?

thanks a lot

Duankaiwen commented 4 years ago

@WuChannn 'kp_detection' is just a function name in sample/coco.py, ‘kp_categories’ is not used, you can delete it. 'db.class_name' is defined in db/coco.py, you can step through each line of code by pdb.

WuChannn commented 4 years ago

@Duankaiwen Hello, kaiwen:

I came across a strange problem: when I set test_scales to [1], and I get nothing in the saved results.json in debug mode, and come up

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "test.py", line 94, in <module> test(testing_db, args.split, args.testiter, args.debug, args.suffix) 
File "test.py", line 61, in test testing(db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) 
File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 327, in testing 
return globals()[system_configs.sampling_function](db, nnet, result_dir, debug=debug) 
File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/test/ks.py", line 323, in kp_detection 
db.evaluate(result_json, cls_ids, image_ids) 
File "/root/data/ks/code/CenterNet_duan/db/ks.py", line 173, in evaluate 
coco_dets = coco.loadRes(result_json) 
File "data/coco/PythonAPI/pycocotools/coco.py", line 318, in loadRes 
if 'caption' in anns[0]: IndexError: list index out of range

However, when I set test_scales to [0.1], and I get something in the saved results.json in debug mode, though they are wrong result.

I can't figure out why, so I refer to your help. Looking forward to your help.