Open slowlypasser opened 2 years ago
@slowlypasser swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth
@slowlypasser swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth
@slowlypasser swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth
i use the pretrained model to train my own datasets,but something goes wrong. `2022-04-21 13:03:33,441 - mmdet - WARNING - The model and loaded state dict do not match exactly
unexpected key in source state_dict: norm.weight, norm.bias, head.weight, head.bias, layers.0.blocks.1.attn_mask, layers.1.blocks.1.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.1.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.3.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.5.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.7.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.9.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.11.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.13.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.15.attn_mask, layers.2.blocks.17.attn_mask
missing keys in source state_dict: norm0.weight, norm0.bias, norm1.weight, norm1.bias, norm2.weight, norm2.bias, norm3.weight, norm3.bias`
what's more, it throws the error IndexError: The shape of the mask [3437280] at index 0 does not match the shape of the indexed tensor [42966] at index 0
Don't worry about the WARNING. On line 105 in configs/pycenternet/, replace dict(type='LoadRPDV2Annotations'), with dict(type='LoadRPDV2Annotations', num_classes=xxx), where xxx is the num_classes in your dataset.
thanks for your reply!i replace it ,and it works well!
Thanks so much, it works too.
can you provide the pretrained model of the swin-l?thanks a lot!