A command for debugging tools for finding sources of WA or RTE on Kattis. Since I have no idea how difficult this will be to do across languages, I will assume python for everything here. Debug should include the following subcommands:
Init: This should create a debug folder containing bruteforce.py (a template file for a bruteforce solution), and two scripts, RTEgen.py and WAgen.py, empty files for creating test case generators.
TestRTE: Runs the current solution against input generated by RTEgen.py until an error occurs. The testcase the provoked the exception should be saved as RTE.in
TestWA: Runs the current solution as well as bruteforce.py against input generated by WAgen.py until the results differ. It should save the input as test.in, the output of bruteforce as test.ans, and the output of the solution as WA.ans. Perhaps test.in and test.ans should also be saved to the test folder with some other name.
These are the functionalities I could think of. If there is a good way to check for TLE, then that would be nice as well
A command for debugging tools for finding sources of WA or RTE on Kattis. Since I have no idea how difficult this will be to do across languages, I will assume python for everything here. Debug should include the following subcommands:
These are the functionalities I could think of. If there is a good way to check for TLE, then that would be nice as well