DuckieTV / duckietv-builder

An effort to create a standalone, reproducable and more easily hackable method to make duckietv binary builds
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android make-binaries or publish not working #5

Closed garfield69 closed 7 years ago

garfield69 commented 7 years ago

[edit] The repo is not getting daily updates pushed to it since the old buildbot was decommissioned. The repo has not been updated since 24th January.
It looks like the duckietv-builder should be updating this repo during the android publish phase, so either that is not working, or the make-binaries phase is broken?
I don't have a phonegap key, or an android platform, so I cannot test this.

garfield69 commented 7 years ago

spotted what is going on.
at several places in the platforms/andriod.js script, echo is used instead of exec.

SchizoDuckie commented 7 years ago

Good find. I disabled it for easier testing and forgot to re-enable it.