DuckySoLucky / hypixel-discord-chat-bridge

A two-way chat bridge between Hypixel guild chat and a Discord channel. The application utilizes discord.js v14 for communicating with Discord, and mineflayer for communicating with Hypixel.
45 stars 32 forks source link

dallincotton-personal-best-coommand-!pb #226

Closed dallincotton06 closed 6 months ago

dallincotton06 commented 6 months ago


-Adds personalBestCommand.js -Updates README file to show usage for !pb


Use in game as part of the Minecraft bot Syntax: !pb [player] [floor] [score] Example: !pb For_Science51 F7 S+ Response: For_Science51's PB on F7 S+ is 4:57

Note: if floor and score aren't provided, it will default to M7 S+.

This feature is really nice when using party finder to quickly look at someones skill level, and in a way flex to your guild.