DuckySoLucky / hypixel-discord-chat-bridge

A two-way chat bridge between Hypixel guild chat and a Discord channel. The application utilizes discord.js v14 for communicating with Discord, and mineflayer for communicating with Hypixel.
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Messages starting with "Party >" in guild chat doesn't get sent. #234

Closed kwissss closed 5 months ago

kwissss commented 5 months ago

Messages starting with "Party >" in the guild chat on Minecraft doesn't get sent to Discord when using the bot message mode. I haven't tested with other message modes.

As you can see from the bot logs and minecraft images below the message didn't get sent as it started with Party >



DuckySoLucky commented 5 months ago

Pushed a fix, git pull for a change

kwissss commented 5 months ago

We did some more testing now and it seems to be that any combination of any Text followed with a > doesn't get sent.

The following wouldn't get sent, for example:

Text >
Party >
Anything >
DuckySoLucky commented 5 months ago

Yeah it's the regex which is used to detect discord message, made so it doesn't flag Party messages

kwissss commented 5 months ago

awesome, thank you! ❤️

DuckySoLucky commented 5 months ago

lmk if u find any other bugs or have suggestions

kwissss commented 5 months ago

we tested it again now and didn't work