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Clients.Select(z => z.ToModel()) times out #1301

Closed rwb196884 closed 3 weeks ago

rwb196884 commented 3 weeks ago
Clients.Select(z => z.ToModel())

writes the query

SELECT [c].[Id], [c].[AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime], [c].[AccessTokenLifetime], [c].[AccessTokenType], [c].[AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser], [c].[AllowOfflineAccess], [c].[AllowPlainTextPkce], [c].[AllowRememberConsent], [c].[AllowedIdentityTokenSigningAlgorithms], [c].[AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken], [c].[AlwaysSendClientClaims], [c].[AuthorizationCodeLifetime], [c].[BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired], [c].[BackChannelLogoutUri], [c].[CibaLifetime], [c].[ClientClaimsPrefix], [c].[ClientId], [c].[ClientName], [c].[ClientUri], [c].[ConsentLifetime], [c].[CoordinateLifetimeWithUserSession], [c].[Created], [c].[DPoPClockSkew], [c].[DPoPValidationMode], [c].[Description], [c].[DeviceCodeLifetime], [c].[EnableLocalLogin], [c].[Enabled], [c].[FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired], [c].[FrontChannelLogoutUri], [c].[IdentityTokenLifetime], [c].[IncludeJwtId], [c].[InitiateLoginUri], [c].[LastAccessed], [c].[LogoUri], [c].[NonEditable], [c].[PairWiseSubjectSalt], [c].[PollingInterval], [c].[ProtocolType], [c].[PushedAuthorizationLifetime], [c].[RefreshTokenExpiration], [c].[RefreshTokenUsage], [c].[RequireClientSecret], [c].[RequireConsent], [c].[RequireDPoP], [c].[RequirePkce], [c].[RequirePushedAuthorization], [c].[RequireRequestObject], [c].[SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime], [c].[UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh], [c].[Updated], [c].[UserCodeType], [c].[UserSsoLifetime], [c0].[Id], [c0].[ClientId], [c0].[Created], [c0].[Description], [c0].[Expiration], [c0].[Type], [c0].[Value], [c1].[Id], [c1].[ClientId], [c1].[GrantType], [c2].[Id], [c2].[ClientId], [c2].[RedirectUri], [c3].[Id], [c3].[ClientId], [c3].[PostLogoutRedirectUri], [c4].[Id], [c4].[ClientId], [c4].[Scope], [c5].[Id], [c5].[ClientId], [c5].[Provider], [c6].[Id], [c6].[ClientId], [c6].[Type], [c6].[Value], [c7].[Id], [c7].[ClientId], [c7].[Origin], [c8].[Id], [c8].[ClientId], [c8].[Key], [c8].[Value]
FROM [Clients] AS [c]
LEFT JOIN [ClientSecrets] AS [c0] ON [c].[Id] = [c0].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientGrantTypes] AS [c1] ON [c].[Id] = [c1].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientRedirectUris] AS [c2] ON [c].[Id] = [c2].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientPostLogoutRedirectUris] AS [c3] ON [c].[Id] = [c3].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientScopes] AS [c4] ON [c].[Id] = [c4].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientIdPRestrictions] AS [c5] ON [c].[Id] = [c5].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientClaims] AS [c6] ON [c].[Id] = [c6].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientCorsOrigins] AS [c7] ON [c].[Id] = [c7].[ClientId]
LEFT JOIN [ClientProperties] AS [c8] ON [c].[Id] = [c8].[ClientId]
ORDER BY [c].[Id], [c0].[Id], [c1].[Id], [c2].[Id], [c3].[Id], [c4].[Id], [c5].[Id], [c6].[Id], [c7].[Id]

which with even a small amount of data (6 clients) can produce tens of thousands of rows -- and the query then times out while doing the sorting.

RolandGuijt commented 3 weeks ago

Can you please check the joined tables. Do you have a large number of rows in (one of) them? And if so are these necessary?

rwb196884 commented 3 weeks ago

I've got it down by removing some CORS origins and redirect URLs, but it's really not great that this thing can explode with really very few records.

RolandGuijt commented 3 weeks ago

We had performance issues with this query before in the ClientStore implementation. Most problems were solved by switching to split queries in EF avoiding a cartesian explosion resulting in the many rows you're seeing.

Can you please try that and see if that works for you?

Clients.Select(z => z.ToModel()).AsSplitQuery())

If this query is used in a custom ClientStore you can alternatively or in addition also enable caching.

rwb196884 commented 3 weeks ago

Ah, that sounds like what I need; didn't know about that. Thank you.