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Token flow best practices between user and internal services #1360

Closed hosamyousof closed 3 months ago

hosamyousof commented 3 months ago

Which version of Duende IdentityServer are you using? v7 Which version of .NET are you using? .net8 Describe the issue

Let's say I have the following architecture:

Is it good practice to forward the user access token/identity between the internal services, and how do we achieve that?

If not, what is the best practice for token flow between internal services in an architecture like ours?

Identity Server Token Flow drawio (1)

RolandGuijt commented 3 months ago

There are two options here:

  1. Frontend requests an access token for gateway, API 1 and 2. Gateway validates and forwards the token. (APIs have to validate too). Main downside: when token falls in the wrong hands, attacker can access all resources. How this is achieved depends on what the gateway is: is it an ASP.NET Core application?

  2. Frontend requests an access token for the gateway. Gateway exchanges the token for one that is specific for the targeted API. This can be done using a custom grant. Please see the example here.

RolandGuijt commented 3 months ago

@hosamyousof Did my answer help you out? Would you like to add anything to this issue? If not I'd like to close it.

RolandGuijt commented 3 months ago

Closing for now but feel free reopen and add a comment if you feel the need.