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Is Duende.AccessTokenManagement Suitable for Local Machine Service Workers ? #1410

Open camillebourgetATL opened 1 week ago

camillebourgetATL commented 1 week ago

Hello Duende team,

I’m considering using the Duende.AccessTokenManagement library to manage tokens in machine-to-machine flows for .NET workers and ASP.NET Core worker services. My specific use case involves developing plugins for Autodesk solutions, but I’ve encountered DLL conflicts between the IdentityModel.OidcClient library and Autodesk products. Could Duende.AccessTokenManagement be a suitable replacement, particularly for service workers running locally on a user’s machine, or is it mainly designed for cloud-based environments? I’m particularly concerned about the security implications and how client credentials should be securely stored in a local context.

Thank you for your insights!

Best regards, Camille

RolandGuijt commented 1 week ago

Yes, Duende.AccessTokenManagement has support for this. You can find the documentation here.

The tokens are cached using ASP.NET Core's IDistributedCache which can be configured to store the tokens in Redis, SQL Server etc. If that doesn't suffice you can also consider creating your own implementation of IClientCredentialsTokenCache and implement caching the way you want without IDistributedCache.

camillebourgetATL commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the information. Just to clarify, with IdentityModel, I currently only use the client ID to retrieve a token, and then I securely store the refresh token on the client machine. With Duende.AccessTokenManagement, am I required to use a client secret, or can I continue using only the client ID?

RolandGuijt commented 1 week ago

Since you mention a refresh token: What flow are you currently using? When using Client Credentials flow using a client secret is a must to make the flow secure. Using it the refresh token isn't needed: the application can simply request a new token using Client Credentials when the current one expires.

The original idea of Client Credentials is that the client runs on a server/cloud somewhere, outside the reach of a user. In that case the client secret can easily be kept. In your case however the workers run locally. Is there a way to run the service workers on a server and expose the result of the work securely to the user application?

camillebourgetATL commented 1 week ago

Currently, I am using the interactive public flow with PKCE and offline access. From what I understand, I cannot move the worker to cloud servers because I need to make secure API calls directly from my application, which is installed locally on the client machine.

My goal is to create a worker that centralizes the logic, allowing me to reuse code and ensure that there is a single source of truth for making these API calls.

RolandGuijt commented 1 day ago

I'm getting a bit confused here. Is the following correct?

If the above is correct then the worker process should use client credentials (machine to machine) flow since there is no user involved in that process. Am I understanding this correctly?

camillebourgetATL commented 1 day ago

My plugin is actually a class library project in C# using both .NET 8 and .NET Framework. Currently, for the authentication and identification of my clients (so they can input their username and password on my Duende IdentityServer), I’ve created another .NET Standard class library. This library uses IdentityModel to authenticate the client and retrieve an access token, which is then used to make API requests.

However, I’ve been running into issues with version conflicts, especially since the latest versions of Autodesk's software, specifically Revit, which enforces strict versioning of libraries. Revit doesn't allow the use of any library versions other than the ones it specifies, which causes problems with my plugin.

Because of this, I’m exploring the option of moving the authentication and identification process into a Windows service (worker) that runs in the background on the client’s machine. This worker would handle API calls and allow me to use the latest versions of libraries without the versioning constraints imposed by Autodesk.

I’m also considering whether your open-source package, Duende.AccessTokenManagement, could be used in this configuration, where the Windows service (worker) would manage authentication and token handling.

However, based on our recent discussion, I don't think this approach is viable because the flow you use requires not exposing the client’s credentials, which makes it unsuitable for my current setup.

RolandGuijt commented 1 day ago

Clear. So to summarize:

Since the worker has to run on the user's machine you should store the secret in a secure manner. A way to do that is using Data Protection.