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A completely new web interface for the Duet electronics
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Suggested improvement to View DCS Log desktop shortcut #453

Open stuartofmt opened 1 year ago

stuartofmt commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The existing View Log desktop shortcut on the Duet3d Pi image uses sudo /usr/bin/journalctl -u duetcontrolserver -e

This form does not wrap the output lines and makes it difficult to see everything especially if using a remote viewer (NoMachine in my case)

Describe the solution you propose.

The following forms may provide a better experience as they wrap lines sudo SYSTEMD_LESS=RXMK /usr/bin/journalctl -u duetcontrolserver -e or sudo SYSTEMD_LESS=RXMK /usr/bin/journalctl -u duetcontrolserver -n 100

Describe alternatives you've considered

Ex. A workaround exists but it is tedius, for example...

Provide any additional context or information.

Ex. Photos, mockups, etc.

chrishamm commented 1 year ago

Thanks, that's a good idea. sudo isn't required on the Pi but I'll give those less arguments a try.

stuartofmt commented 1 year ago

sudo is a bit of a habit for me with some commands :-)

Other interesting possibilities (and sometimes more compact output) can be had using cat and / or grep instead of less. In some situations it can give a bit more flexibility.