Duet3D / PanelDueFirmware

Firmware for the PanelDue touch screen for 3D printers
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Cancel buttton with M292 J1 not displayed on PanelDue #315

Closed wschadow closed 8 months ago

wschadow commented 9 months ago


It' tested with PanelDue Firmware 3.5.0-rc7 and 3.5.0 Release Candidate 1 The command

M291 j1 R"Preheat extruder for" P"Select one material or press CANCEL." S4 K{"PLA (210°C)","PETG(235°C)", "ABS (260°C)","PLA (210°C)","PETG(235°C)", "ABS (260°C)"} ; Display user prompt

is not displayed correctly on the PanelDue (Cancel is missing):


It's displayed correctly on DWC


mfs12 commented 8 months ago

The cancel button was added with the rrf-3.5 specification.