Duet3D / PanelDueFirmware

Firmware for the PanelDue touch screen for 3D printers
163 stars 84 forks source link

Menues not displayed properly #316

Closed wschadow closed 8 months ago

wschadow commented 8 months ago


With Duet firmware 3.5.0-rc.1 and PanelDue firmware 3.5.0-rc.7 menues are not displayed properly. Some leftover from the upper directory are displayed when the sub directory has less entries. This is the correct display with PanelDue firmware 3.4.1 and Duet firmware 3.5.0-rc.1


This is displayed with PanelDue firmware 3.5.0-rc.7


The additional entries from the upper directroy are still displayed. They can be pushed and that leads to an error that the macro was not found.