Duet3D / PanelDueFirmware

Firmware for the PanelDue touch screen for 3D printers
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SD card file list does not update correctly when deleting a file if files spread across more than one page #332

Closed Braintoe closed 4 months ago

Braintoe commented 4 months ago



See https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/35087/glitch-in-paneldue-fw-3-5-0-rc8-when-deleting-a-file/


3.5.0rc8 and probably earlier 3.5.0 rc and beta versions as well Error does not occur on v3.4.1 though.


  1. file delete error:

    • start with a Duet that has a PanelDue connected and has several print files on the SD card.
    • click on the SD card symbol on the PanelDue. Click on one of the files (but not the last one) and delete it.
  2. multiple pages error:

    • start with a Duet that has a PanelDue connected and has enough print files on the SD card to require a second page in the file browser (e.g. more than eight on a 5" PanelDue, e.g. 11)
    • click on the SD card symbol on the PanelDue. Click on on the arrow to move to the second page of the file list.

Experienced Result

  1. file delete: file is deleted and file list doubles the last entry
  2. multiple pages: when flipping to the second page the list items where there are new files are updated, the list items below remain as they are on page 1.

Expected Result

  1. file delete: file is deleted and file list shows only the remaining files
  2. multiple pages: only the remaining files are shown on page 2