Closed Nibbels closed 1 year ago
btw the JSON error when downloading a filament type, is actually an error from the web UI. This has been fixed in a very recent version of the web interface
If these issues persist, please open a forum thread to discuss them.
Board: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5 Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.01-beta3 (2020-01-29b1) Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.23
I use a duet2 + duex5 to drive a E3D toolchanger and want to follow the absolutly great idea of detaching the filament specific properties from my slicer. Thus I added a config in "Filaments" within the duet web UI.
1) I am still digging myself into the duet firmware and I am no expert yet. But here is some unnecessary behaviour (i think): Why should I not be able to assign one filament configuration to two tools? In my case I added a PETG configuration which can be totally valid for blue and green PETG.
And this hack seems to work? I just added a space to the filaments folder name and it worked. (EDIT:But this makes weird behaviour when swithing tools)
2) When I switch the filament-configuration in the web UI using this linkbutton then the printer always selects/grabs the tool if the printer is homed. Andelse it always only raises temperatures to active state if the printer is unhomed.
But what I actually thought that would happen when choosing another filament type is that I just select the right filament for future M703 activation. No tools selection, no heatup. I want to leave the tools in state "off"/untouched. (As a toolchanger owner I want set the filament type prior to printing and prior to homing, this stratey looks very comfortable to me)
If I manually grab a tool via console T1. And then send M701 S"285 PETG" then the behaviour is what I expected. A M703 afterwards loads the temperatures. So it is a strange behaviour of the web UI I think. Do I get the theory of use wrong here?
3) If I want to download a Profile:
load.g and unload.g are empty. Sometimes I get a download but it only contains the empty files.
When I put some comment into load.g then the error refers to the load.g
The download of the files directly is possible.